Wireless Network Minitrack

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The research area of wireless networks spans such diverse technologies and applications as wireless security, mobile broadband networks, wireless data networks and wireless sensor networks. It includes technologies such WiMAX and LTE, WiFi and Zigbee, and ranges from deployments on a national scale to small experimental networks. Papers in this field provide innovative solutions to challenges, whether new or well known, where the most interesting portion of the network is wireless. Such issues and solutions will primarily be technical, but relevant social, environmental, or economic issues are also appropriate.

The defining property of wireless networks is the use of the wireless medium, with all its challenges and opportunities, to support communication, often among mobile systems. Issues for such systems are as diverse as security and spectrum and channel allocation all the way to game-theoretic incentive designs and routing protocols. Support for mobility may range from cellular handoff to vehicle-to-roadside VANET applications and ad-hoc wireless networks. Novel applications of wireless networks are also appropriate, especially if these applications are enabled by recent improvements in the technology. Non-technical issues that may affect the success or usefulness of a new technology, or issues of scale and experimentation and evaluation of existing, practical networks are very relevant to this topic.

The following is a partial list of research topics of interest for this minitrack:

  • Security in wireless networks
  • Networking issues, including physical, mac, routing, transport, application, or cross-layer protocols and algorithms
  • Theoretical issues of interest in the design or implementation of wireless networks, including communications, scalability, coordination, access control, and other advances in the field
  • Mobile broadband wireless networks
  • Ad hoc wireless networks including mesh networks
  • Wireless sensor networks
  • Mixed wired and wireless networks
  • Embedded systems using wireless networks
  • Network management and localization or dealing with approximate location
  • Novel applications of wireless networks
  • Social and environmental benefits and consequences of increased use of wireless networks and new applications.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Edoardo Biagioni (Primary Contact)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Email: esb@hawaii.edu

John McEachen
Naval Postgraduate School
Email: emceachen@nps.edu

Murali Tummala
Naval Postgraduate School
Email: emtummala@nps.edu


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    On the Necessity for High-availability Data Center Backends in a Distributed Wireless System
    (2017-01-04) Pfitzinger, Bernd; Baumann, Tommy; Macos, Dragan; Jestaedt, Thomas
    When business processes depend on the processing capabilities within a data center, the typical system architecture use a high-availability setup to maintain a high level of service. Faced with a specific machine-to-machine system consisting of many endpoints that collect and forward data to the data center we argue that the dependability of the overall system does not necessitate a high level of service for the data center components. Taking an existing discrete event simulation model of a distributed technical system we investigate and discuss the effects of prolonged outages of the data center on the major business processes of the system.
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    Location Privacy in LTE: A Case Study on Exploiting the Cellular Signaling Plane's Timing Advance
    (2017-01-04) Roth, John; Tummala, Murali; McEachen, John; Scrofani, Jim
    Location privacy is an oft-overlooked, but exceedingly important niche of the overall privacy macrocosm. An ambition of this work is to raise awareness of concerns relating to location privacy in cellular networks. To this end, we will demonstrate how user location information is leaked through a vulnerability, viz. the timing advance (TA) parameter, in the Long Term Evolution (LTE) signaling plane and how the position estimate that results from that parameter can be refined through a previously introduced method called Cellular Synchronization Assisted Refinement (CeSAR) [1]. With CeSAR, positioning accuracies that meet or exceed the FCC’s E-911 mandate are possible making CeSAR simultaneously a candidate technology for meeting the FCC’s wireless localization requirements and a demonstration of the alarming level of location information sent over the air. We also introduce a geographically diverse data set of TAs collected from actual LTE network implementations utilizing different cell phone chipsets. With this data set we show the appropriateness of modeling the error associated with a TA as normally distributed. \
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    AVENS - A Novel Flying Ad Hoc Network Simulator with Automatic Code Generation for Unmanned Aircraft System
    (2017-01-04) Marconato, Emerson Alberto; Rodrigues, Mariana; Pires, Rayner de Melo; Pigatto, Daniel Fernando; Filho, Luiz C. Querino; Pinto, Alex Roschildt; Branco, Kalinka R. L. J. C.
    The wireless communication has played a significant impact on our daily lives introducing simplicity and making life more comfortable. \ As a result of faster technological advances in electronics and communications, the development of different types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has become possible. \ Recently, many efforts have been made to develop more efficient inter- and intra-vehicle communication protocols introducing new challenges, e. g. multiple-UAV communication and Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs). \ However, most of the experiments using real prototypes or systems are not feasible due to the costs and risks involved. \ Thus, simulating network protocol behavior in FANET scenarios is increasingly required to evaluate the applicability of developed network protocols. \ Thereby, we have been developing AVENS, a hybrid aerial network simulation framework, which merges LARISSA Architectural Model, X-Plane Flight Simulator and OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator. \ In a proof-of-concept study, we highlighted its advantages. \ Using AVENS, we can advance in the state-of-the-art concerning performance evaluation of intelligent aerial vehicles and provide means to evaluate the development of protocols, codes and systems more accurately.
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    Introduction to Wireless Networks Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Biagioni, Edoardo; McEachen, John; Tummala, Murali