PIDP Dialogue

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    PIDP dialogue, Spring 1999
    (Honolulu, Hawaii : Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, 1999)
    "Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders Secretariat"--under masthead. "The mission of the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) of the East-West Center is to provide research and training services to the Pacific Island Leaders based on issues and priorities determined by the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders and its Standing Committee."
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    PIDP dialogue, Spring 1998
    (Honolulu, Hawaii : Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, 1998)
    "The mission of the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) of the East-West Center is to provide research and training services to the Pacific Island Leaders based on issues and priorities determined by the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders and its Standing Committee." "Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders Secretariat"--under masthead.
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    PIDP dialogue, Spring 2001
    (Honolulu, Hawaii : Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, 2001)
    "The mission of the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) of the East-West Center is to provide research and training services to the Pacific Island Leaders based on issues and priorities determined by the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders and its Standing Committee." "Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders Secretariat"--under masthead.
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    PIDP dialogue, Fall 1996
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1996)
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    PIDP dialogue, Summer 1994
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1994)
  • Item
    PIDP dialogue, Spring 1994
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1994)
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    PIDP dialogue, Summer 1993
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1993)
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    PIDP dialogue, Spring 1993
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1993)
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    PIDP dialogue, vol. 1, May 1992
    (Pacific Islands Development Program, 1992-05)
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