IT Governance and its Mechanisms Minitrack

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In many organizations, information technology has become crucial in the support, sustainability and growth of their businesses. The pervasive use of technology has created a critical dependency on IT that calls for a specific focus on IT Governance or Enterprise Governance of IT. Enterprise Governance of IT (EGIT) is an integral part of enterprise governance exercised by the Board overseeing the definition and implementation of processes, structures and relational mechanism in the organization enabling both business and IT people to execute their responsibilities in support of business/IT alignment and the creation of business value from IT-enabled business investments.

This minitrack is soliciting papers on theories, models and practices in the IT governance domain and aims to contribute to the understanding of IT governance and its structures, processes and relational mechanisms. Topics that this minitrack covers include:

  • Theoretical models for IT governance and business/IT alignment
  • Practices and cases on IT governance
  • IT governance structures, processes and relational mechanisms
  • IT governance related to enterprise governance
  • IT governance roles of the Board and Executive Management
  • Maturity models for IT governance and IT processes
  • IT balanced scorecard
  • Strategic information systems planning
  • COBIT, VAL IT, ITIL and other quality models
  • ISO 38500 standard for Corporate governance of IT
  • Other mechanisms for IT governance: IT steering committees, information economics, service level agreements
  • IT governance and regulatory codes/acts such as Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley
  • Enterprise governance of IT
  • Business/IT alignment
  • Benefits realization through IT
  • IT portfolio management
  • IT investment management

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Wim Van Grembergen (Primary Contact)
University of Antwerp

Steven De Haes
University of Antwerp


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Review of 23 Years of Empirical Research on Information Technology Outsourcing Decisions and Outcomes
    (2017-01-04) Lacity, Mary; Yan, Aihua; Khan, Shaji
    The 2010 Journal of Information Technology article, “A Review of the IT Outsourcing Empirical Literature,” analyzed 741 empirical findings on the determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) decisions and outcomes published between 1992 and 1st quarter 2010. In this paper, we replicated the method and coded additional findings published until the end of 2014. Combining the Lacity et al. (2010) with the additional findings, we used a total of 1,170 findings to produce the most robust models on ITO decisions and outcomes to date. The model of ITO decisions includes independent variables associated with transaction attributes, outsourcing motivations, influence sources, client characteristics and capabilities, relationship characteristics, and environmental variables. The model of ITO outcomes includes independent variables associated with transaction attributes, relational and contractual governance, client and provider capabilities, client characteristics and decision characteristics. The models serve as solid foundations for researchers seeking to advance academic contributions based on strong empirical data.
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    IT Agility: Current State, Organizational Contingencies, and Future Research Avenues
    (2017-01-04) Yousif, Michael; Magnusson, Johan; Pessi, Kalevi
    Recent years increase in organizations’ dependence on information technology has ushered in changing roles for IT departments and IT governance alike. Instead of being primarily focused on the continuous and cost efficient maintenance and support of existing resources, there is a need for a more balanced take on IT Governance which calls for an ambidextrous approach. This involves an increased focus on agility in terms of achieving both economies of scale and scope. This paper reports on a recent quantitative assessment of IT agility in Swedish Firms. Informed by contingency theory, the results are analyzed and discussed in relation to future research for IT agility. Our findings lead to six organizational contingencies expressed as six hypotheses that should be addressed within future IT agility research.
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    How IT Management Profile and IT Business Value Correlate – Exploring Cross-Domain Alignment
    (2017-01-04) Wiedemann, Anna; Gewald, Heiko; Weeger, Andy
    Previous research hardly investigates how externally focused competitive strategies can be bridged with internal focused IT processes (i.e. cross-domain alignment). In view of this gap, we aim to shed light on the relationship between five archetypical IT management profiles and six IT business value domains that we derived from literature. Building on prior literature, we propose that each IT management profile delivers unique sources of value, thus, contributes to specific IT business value domains. In order to test our hypothesis, we conducted a quantitative matched-pair study across firms within the manufacturing industry. Our findings indicate that IT business value domains are linked to IT management approaches. The contribution of this paper is that we extent the existing theory of the contribution of the IT function. We present empirically findings that each IT management profile is associated with minimum one distinct IT business value domain.
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    Exploring the Influence of Belgian and South-African Corporate Governance Codes on IT Governance Transparency
    (2017-01-04) Huygh, Tim; De Haes, Steven; Joshi, Anant; Van Grembergen, Wim; Gui, Denis
    Building on prior research on how boards should provide stakeholder transparency by disclosing on how their organizations are governing their IT assets, this paper provides an exploratory insight in the contemporary state of IT governance transparency in Belgian and South African companies. Specifically, the influence of the national corporate governance code on IT governance transparency is investigated by comparing both groups of companies. Our findings show that South African firms tend to be more concerned with IT governance transparency than Belgian firms, given a comparable IT strategic role and ownership structure. This result could be expected, as the South African corporate governance code, King III, contains specific IT (governance)-related guidance, while the Belgian code Lippens does not. Accordingly, the case is made for including more (non-committal) IT (governance)-related guidance in national corporate governance codes.
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    Exploring IT-Enabled Public Sector Innovation in U.S. States
    (2017-01-04) Denford, James; Dawson, Gregory; Desouza, Kevin
    Scholars and practitioners often assume that the public sector mirrors the private sector and that it is possible to merely port strategies between domains. However, we highlight the substantial differences between the domains and explore how IT-enabled innovation shapes and is shaped within state government. Analyzing state-level IT governance data using crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, we uncover that low state attainment is a catalyst for IT-enabled innovation. We uncover and differentiate several types of innovations and also find that successful innovation requires the collaboration of the legislature, governor and CIO.
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    A Longitudinal Study on the Perceived Roles of IT and the Corporate IT Function with Influences on CIOs’ Work Equilibria in a Media Company
    (2017-01-04) Dahlberg, Tomi; Hokkanen, Päivi; Newman, Mike
    Our article investigates factors impacting IT executives’ equilibria of CIO work. We used the interview data collection method in a media company. Interviews revealed that the roles of IT and the corporate IT function were seen differently at three levels – social groups - of the company. During the years 2010-2016 our case company experienced several business interruptions. We investigated how two of them and the perceived roles of IT and the corporate IT function impacted three IT executives’ equilibria of CIO work by using the punctuated equilibrium model. Moreover, we used constructs from Granovetter’s social network theory to better understand why their perceptions and equilibria differed. The punctuated equilibrium model together with the constructs of the social network theory proved valuable in understanding the changes in the role perceptions and the equilibria of CIO work.
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    Introduction to IT Governance and its Mechanisms Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Van Grembergen, Wim; De Haes, Steven