Software Development for Mobile Devices, the Internet-of-Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A Bibliometric Analysis of the HICSS Software Technology Track
    (2020-01-07) Grønli, Tor-Morten; Majchrzak, Tim A.; Kaindl, Hermann
    The HICSS Software Technology track has a long tradition and many papers have been published as part of its history. Its impact in terms of citations, paper contributions, author share and community impact does not yet seem to have been investigated, though. In particular, software technology has evolved, and as it stands, it is of primary importance for mobile computing, the Internet-of-Things and Cyber-physical Systems. Hence, the development of these topics and the related impact of this track are of particular interest. In this paper, we present a bibliographic analysis as a first step towards such an investigation. We found that the history of the track is indeed noteworthy. Our results include finding a few extremely much cited papers, some curious tendencies, and a generally favourable outlook for HICSS. We found that indeed many papers in the history of this HICSS track addressed mobile technology and are highly cited. Together with providing insight into track, paper and author impact, we also raise questions worth of further investigation to understand the role of the HICSS Software Technology track and its impact on the academic field and society.
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    MergePoint: A Graphical Web-App for Merging HTTP-Endpoints and IoT-Platform Models
    (2020-01-07) Burzlaff, Fabian; Bongarth, Benedikt; Grottker, Sven; Hammen, Johannes; Bartelt, Christian
    More and more devices are connected to Internet of Things Platforms in various application domains. The resulting device integration effort is moderated by the concrete integration syntax and the technical abilities of the device integrator. Therefore, researchers from various communities have been investigating and designing component coupling architectures to achieve interoperability for more than 30 years. Emerging Smart Home scenarios challenges classical integration approaches as no single formal integration standard exists. In this paper we introduce a reference architecture called MergePoint that automates HTTP-Endpoint integration with smart home platforms such as openHAB in a plug-and-play manner. Based on a prototypical system implementation, our empirical evaluation demonstrates that average integration time can be reduced by 78% and average tool usability score is increased by 65% compared to textual integration approaches. MergePoint can serve as a reference implementation for practitioners that want to automate the integration between HTTP-Endpoints and IoT Platform Models.
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    Application of Design Thinking for Elicitation Requirements in Mobile Applications
    (2020-01-07) Canedo, Edna; Vinhadelli Papadópolis, Alexandre; Cerqueira, Anderson; F. De Araujo, Aleteia Patricia
    In the context of software development methodologies, activities and requirements elicitation practices adopted by organizations present challenges regarding the definition and understanding of system requirements and in relation to communication between the project team and stakeholders. Requirements elicitation is the process through which analysts determine stakeholders software requirements. Requirements elicitation is seldom well done, and an inaccurate or incomplete understanding of user requirements has led to the downfall of many software projects. The Design Thinking methodology has been used by organizations as a requirement elicitation technique for making use of the immersion procedure that, as a consequence, brings the team stakeholder closer to the software project and allows the creation of projects with a design that is closer to the end user and with higher quality, minimizing the problems in requirements elicitation. This work evaluates the elicitation process of software requirements of the mobile applications developed in a Brazilian Public Agency, from the use of the concepts and procedures recommended by Design Thinking (DT). Furthermore, a practical case study is presented in which the use of DT is used in eliciting requirements of developed applications. The development process phases adopted by the Agency were also compared with the phases of the model adopted by DT. The comparative study demonstrated that the traditional methodology adopted today is bureaucratic and difficult the creation process, as well as the interaction between stakeholders and members of the development team and the knowledge transfer.
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    Detecting Repackaged Android Applications Using Perceptual Hashing
    (2020-01-07) Nguyen, Thanh; Mcdonald, Jeffrey; Glisson, William; Andel, Todd
    The last decade has shown a steady rate of Android device dominance in market share and the emergence of hundreds of thousands of apps available to the public. Because of the ease of reverse engineering Android applications, repackaged malicious apps that clone existing code have become a severe problem in the marketplace. This research proposes a novel repackaged detection system based on perceptual hashes of vetted Android apps and their associated dynamic user interface (UI) behavior. Results show that an average hash approach produces 88% accuracy (indicating low false negative and false positive rates) in a sample set of 4878 Android apps, including 2151 repackaged apps. The approach is the first dynamic method proposed in the research community using image-based hashing techniques with reasonable performance to other known dynamic approaches and the possibility for practical implementation at scale for new applications entering the Android market.
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    Design and Implementation of a Usability-Framework for Smartwatches
    (2020-01-07) Zenker, Steffen; Hobert, Sebastian
    Due to technological developments in the last decade, the class of wearable computers arose which offers innovative access to human-computer interaction. Especially smartwatches attracted attention and are established as a permanently worn computer device on many wrists nowadays. In particular, for new technologies usability is an important success factor. Although usability is a well-known domain with a long research history, unique characteristics of smartwatch applications complicate the utilization of recent usability analysis methods. Therefore, we survey recent techniques for the usability analysis, outline and respectively adapt suited approaches based on the requirements induced by the special characteristics of smartwatches. In addition, we design and implement a usability framework which facilitates the automated usability analysis for smartwatch applications in a design science research approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of the developed framework and show the results of a usability analysis for an exemplary case study.