Social Networking and Communities Minitrack
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We call for papers that address social networks and communities supported and/or complemented by social media for work, learning, socializing, economic and/or political processes, and/or that address theory, design, practices, use or evaluation of such social media use. We encourage papers that address communities in a broad sense of its use, including communities of practice, epistemic communities, or communities of inquiry; as well as fully virtual communities, and social media use that supports or complements geographically based community. We particularly encourage papers that: advance our understanding of social network growth, formation, structure and outcomes through social media; advance out understanding of the design of social media technologies and practices for effective community development and maintenance; studies of socio- technical aspects of social media use that explore how the technology relates to social outcomes; theoretical studies that explore models and principles of social media design, use and outcomes. This year we will give space to more exploratory and theoretical papers than in the past.
Minitrack Co-Chairs: Karine Nahon (Primary Contact)
University of Washington and the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya
Email: Caroline Haythornthwaite
Syracuse University