Value, Success, and Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems

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    Using Knowledge Management to Leverage Fusion Centers to Assess Regional Threats
    (2021-01-05) Willman, Logan; Jennex, Murray; Frost, Eric; Persano, John
    Data fusion centers have been around since the 9/11 terrorist attacks but have been shackled with an underperforming label. Products from fusion centers often do not support the mission of the organizations supporting the centers. This paper proposes using Structure Analytic Technique exercises coupled with applying knowledge management tools and concepts to improve knowledge flow and the relevance and quality of the intelligence products produced.
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    Research on the Influential Indicators and Measurements of Mediating and Moderating Roles on the Performance of SMEs by Industrial Sectors
    (2021-01-05) Kim, Seok-Soo; Lee, Hyoung-Yong
    Overcoming the failure of SMEs has been an important research topic. The key research finding is that it has verified the key elements of performance improvement. We presented a solution to the research question, "Is there a causal relationship between the effect on SMEs' success on capacity and business performance?". We analyzed whether the competence of SMEs had a mediating effect between success variables and performance. Secondary effects were empirically analyzed by converting independent variables to Higher-Order Component (HOC). The 2nd order variable of management influenced financial, non-financial, and technical performance, and the 2nd order variable of technology influenced technical performance. Demographic variables were introduced as moderating variables for performance, and gender and years of the establishment had significant moderating effects on technical and non-financial performance. The results are expected to contribute to practical applications not only to SMEs' CEOs, but also to government policymakers, support organizations, academia, and industry.
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    Identifying Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of a Social Knowledge Management in the Public Sector
    (2021-01-05) Hammerl, Timo
    Since knowledge is considered to be one of the most important resources of an organization, the need for successful management of this resource has become crucial. In the current era of social media, new possibilities exist for enhancing knowledge management (KM) via collaboration and interaction facilitation. With a model for successfully implementing a social KM system at hand, the author matches critical success factors from the areas of KM, enterprise social networks, and online social networks to technological, organizational, social and individual dimensions which form the so-called TOSI framework via the design science research approach. Resulting in the adaption of a framework for a KM context. The applicability of the adapted framework is demonstrated by using it for the implementation process of a wiki at a public sector organization.