Knowledge Society, Culture, and Information Systems Minitrack

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This minitrack solicits papers that focus on various cultural aspects of knowledge management and IS. As noted by Castelfranchi (2007) a knowledge society generates, processes, shares and makes available to all members knowledge that may be used to improve the current state. Furthermore, a knowledge society differs from an information society in that the former serves to transform information into resources that allow society to take effective action while the latter only creates and disseminates the raw data. In today’s hypercompetitive business world a critical strategic necessity becomes creating and sustaining knowledge societies. Facilitating knowledge sharing and utilization among team members and co-workers from different cultures and regions is an enormous challenge. Understanding cultural knowledge facilitates the exploration of values, beliefs, and behaviors in any culture and provides a perspective for comparing and contrasting cultures. This includes but is not limited to understanding and appreciating of various cultural considerations including sub cultures, organizational cultures, national cultures, and/or the use of cultural or indigenous knowledge in knowledge based systems.

Potential topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Sustainability of cultural/indigenous knowledge and knowledge societies
  • Value of cultural/indigenous knowledge
  • Transfer of cultural/indigenous knowledge (between member and /or outside the group)
  • Using social media to capture and convey cultural knowledge
  • Cultural and social differences in knowledge sharing and utilization
  • Knowledge sharing and utilization in culturally diverse teams
  • Implementing global knowledge systems
  • Sharing and utilization knowledge in the global value chain
  • Case studies focusing on global knowledge systems
  • International Business operations, knowledge sharing, and IS
  • Cross-border mergers & acquisitions and knowledge sharing and transfer
  • Utilization of knowledge collected from different markets and regions
  • Export knowledge sharing and use
  • Global/Key Account Management, knowledge management, and IS
  • Practitioner papers on knowledge sharing and utilization across cultures

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Minna Rollins (Primary Contact)
University of West Georgia

Mika Gabrielsson
University of Eastern Finland

Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Deakin University, Australia

Dave Croasdell
University of Nevada, Reno


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    International Firms’ Market Orientation and Use of Knowledge: Implications for Market Information Systems
    (2017-01-04) Pehrsson, Anders
    Efficient dissemination of market knowledge within the industrial firm is essential to global competitiveness. However, use of knowledge regarding firm’s foreign markets needs more attention in research. This paper extends the understanding of the industrial firm’s use of its stock of market knowledge. Relying on the knowledge-based view of the firm and the market orientation construct, a conceptual model and propositions are developed. These focus on associations between foreign subsidiary’s value-adding scope and its growth, and the moderating roles of market knowledge created locally, or somewhere else in the corporation. An understanding of the importance of knowledge of foreign markets and use situations will facilitate the design of market information systems that include creation and sharing of knowledge within international industrial firms.
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    Implementing CRM System in a Global Organization - National vs. Organizational Culture
    (2017-01-04) Frygell, Linda; Hedman, Jonas; Carlsson, Sven
    This paper presents a longitudinal case study of a multi-national company’s Customer Relationship Management implementation in China, Poland, Russia, Middle East, Dubai, Pakistan, Iran, Korea and Japan. Although the cooperation has extensive experience in implementing systems in its different global subsidiaries, and has planned the implementation well, the implementation was not a complete success. The study has identified that the cultural factor are important, but not stressed enough in the current CRM literature. Understanding the difference between the organizational culture in which the system is developed and the national culture in which the system is implemented, as well as having a strategy for how to embrace and control/adjust to cultural values, is vital for a successful system implementation. \
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    How Individual Technology Propensities and Organizational Culture Influence B2B Customer’s Behavioral Intention to Use Digital Services at Work?
    (2017-01-04) Hallikainen, Heli; Paesbrugghe, Bert; Laukkanen, Tommi; Rangarajan, Deva; Gabrielsson, Mika
    This study examines how individuals’ technology readiness in conjunction with organizational culture impacts on B2B customers’ behavioral intention toward using digital services in their procurement processes. We test our hypotheses with 755 B2B customers of a large Finnish supplier of furniture and interior solutions. We find that the propensity of individuals towards the use of technology, measured by the technology readiness of the buyers, has a significant effect on the behavioral intention toward using digital services at work. In addition, the customer organization’s strategic emphasis – cost containment and revenue enhancement – have significant effects, while coping resources – task control and organizational support – do not affect the buyers’ behavioral intention to use digital services in their procurement processes. \ \
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    Computer-Supported Knowledge Management in SME
    (2017-01-04) Kramer, Frederik; Wirth, Markus; Jamous, Naoum; Klingner, Stephan; Becker, Michael; Friedrich, Julia; Schneider, Martin
    Knowledge management (KM) and Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are not new. With the rise of the Internet, distributed and increasingly social technology, the management principles as well as the tools supporting KM also start to address small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Todays SMEs are increasingly required to manage knowledge assets in order to sustain their position on the competitive forefront in agile markets. This paper investigates the current state of the art on computer-based KMS (or KM tools as we call them) and commercial KM tools in order to harmonize the picture, derive a joint feature and application system scope and finally inspire future design-oriented research by unveiling gaps. It shows that recent SME-related KM tools do not address KM in a holistic managerial way, fail to link operative data sources such as ERP and CRM, lack effective reward and enabling processes to more quickly establish a knowledge sharing culture amongst SME employees. The main objective of the paper is to inform future design-oriented research.
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    A “Look” into the IS Discipline through the Lens of MIS Quarterly: A Visual Examination of Scholar Characteristics
    (2017-01-04) LaBrie, Ryan; Anantha, Gaurishri
    Academic disciplines naturally form their own knowledge cultures. This research examines characteristics of knowledge creators by investigating a subset of information systems (IS) researchers, namely those who have published in one of the field’s premier journals – MIS Quarterly. Author characteristics (pedigree, gender, various location data, etc.) are examined and reported on. Additionally, with the aid of modern visualization tools such as Tableau and/or Microsoft Power BI, influential scholarly foci (knowledge centers) are analyzed. Findings suggest an increase of women, international scholars, and locations over time, are adding to the richness and diversity of the IS field. Furthermore, this research presents some discussion and presentation of the migratory pattern of IS researchers utilizing dynamic mapping visualizations.
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    Introduction to Knowledge Society, Culture, and Information Systems Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Rollins, Minna; Gabrielsson, Mika; Wickramasinghe, Nilmini; Croasdell, Dave