Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in Healthcare

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    The Force of Habit: Examining the Status Quo Bias for Using Mixed Reality in Patient Education
    (2022-01-04) Anton, Eduard; Schuir, Julian; Teuteberg, Frank
    Using mixed reality (MR) glasses for preoperative patient education (PPE) can help patients understand the purpose and risks of surgical procedures through informative visualizations. However, patients tend to be critical regarding the use of MR glasses in healthcare and often prefer the status quo of healthcare services provided. This study explores the resistance to MR technologies in PPE through the lens of the status quo bias theory by surveying n = 171 participants. We conducted a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis revealing configurations that provide a typological understanding of patient resistance. This allows healthcare stakeholders to take more targeted interventions to promote MR adoption. Notably, the results indicate that healthcare providers need to be transparent in communicating the benefits and drawbacks of using MR, as uncertainty costs are the main driver of resistance to MR glasses in PPE.
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    Integration of a Cognitive Assessment Task into Exergame Gameplay Elements
    (2022-01-04) Carr, Mana; Dang, Anthony; Shaw, Alex; Wuensche, Burkhard
    Lack of exercise is related to a variety of health issues, including cognitive decline in older adults. Tools for encouraging regular exercise such as exergames are a useful preventative measure, but regular screening for impairment is still important. However, standard cognitive screening methods can be both time-consuming and tedious. Integrating these screening methods into a frequently played exergame is one way to enable regular screening, but requires that the integration is not obtrusive and does not interfere with the gameplay. We present an exergame in which a standard cognitive screening tool, the AX-Continuous Performance Task, is integrated into the game in a non-obstrusive fashion. As an starting step in assessing this approach, we validate the comparability of the measurement capacity of this integrated tool by assessing user performance in the test with non-impaired adults. Our results indicate that the test is comparable to the traditional form of the test when conducted within the context of a game, and is not clearly perceived as a test rather than a gameplay element by the users. However, increasing task complexity through additional gameplay elements does interfere with task performance.