Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Cognition and Innovation Minitrack
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Smart service systems (smart services, smart devices etc.) can be characterized by: (1) the types of offerings to their customers and/or citizens, (2) the types of jobs or roles for people within them, and (3) the types of returns they offer investors interested in growth and development, through improved use of technology, talent, or organizational and governance forms, which create (dis)incentives that (re)shape behaviors.
An important trend in smart service systems is the increasing availability of cognitive assistants (e.g., Siri, Watson, Jibo, Echo, Cortana) to boost productivity and creativity of all the people inside them. There is a need to apply robust research findings in the appropriate management and organizational contexts related to innovation of smart service systems, quality, architecture, design and delivery, and the resulting customer satisfaction and business value.
Because of analytics and cognitive systems, smart service systems adapt to a constantly changing environment to benefit customers and providers with deep and wide learning capabilities. Using big data analytics, service providers try to compete for customers by (1) improving existing offerings to customers, (2) innovating new types of offerings, (3) evolving their portfolio of offerings and making better recommendations to customers, (4) changing their relationships to suppliers and others in the ecosystem in ways their customers perceive as more sustainable, fair, or responsible.
The goal of this track is to explore the challenges, issues and opportunities related to innovation of smart service systems that enable value co-creation with analytics, cognitive and human systems. We are interested in novel theories, approaches and applications for innovation of smart service systems.
Possible topics of applied, field and empirical research include, but are not limited to:
- Theories, approaches and applications for innovation of smart service systems
- Value co-creation processes, metrics and analytics for smart innovation processes
- Methods scale the benefits of new knowledge globally, rapidly, and profitably
- Service-oriented agile IT realization platform for smart service co-creation
- Place of cognitive systems, computing, system engineering, cloud for smart service systems
- Innovation ecosystems with internet and internet-of-things
- Theories and approaches for integrating analytical and intuitive thinking processes
- Open innovation and social responsibility
- Planning, building and managing design and innovation infrastructures and platforms
- Technology and organizational platforms support rapid scaling processes (smart phones, franchises, etc.)
- service systems include the customer, provider, and other entities as sources of capabilities, resources, demand, constraints, rights, responsibilities in value co-creation processes, and includes current applications of human and cognitive systems
- Analytics models, tools and engine for analytics support
- Agile business development platform for operational enablement: business processes, rules, real-time event management
- The commoditization of business processes (e.g. out-tasking, ITIL, SCORE), software (e.g. the software-as-service model, software oriented architecture, application service providers) and hardware (e.g., on-demand, utility computing, cloud computing, software oriented infrastructure with virtualized resources, infrastructure service providers for innovations
- Self-service and smart technologies & management for sustainable innovations
- Services implications to value chains, networks, constellations and shops
- Collaborative innovation management in B2B and B2C e-commerce
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Haluk Demirkan (Primary Contact)
University of Washington - Tacoma
James C. Spohrer
IBM Almaden Research Center
Ralph D. Badinelli
Virginia Tech