Catching Up to Move Forward: A Computer Science Education Landscape Report of Hawai‘i Public Schools, 2017–2020
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Curriculum Research & Development Group
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This report is a computer science education landscape report and presents results of a study conducted by the Curriculum Research & Development Group in the College of Education at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa on behalf of the Hawai‘i Department of Education (HIDOE) in 2020. The purpose of the report is to examine the landscape of public school K–12 computer science education in Hawai‘i, particularly after the passing of Act 51 (HRS 302A-323).
Results here are based on analysis of data from the Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE) and national data systems; data from a HIDOE survey of 492 K–12 educators and administrators; and 5 follow-up sets of interviews with educators, administrators, industry partners, and the state computer science education team. Key findings include the following:
- a rapid increase of computer science activities between 2017 and 2020;
- a total 33 public high schools and 11 combination schools offering computer science courses, which is 100% of high schools;
- an increase of 89.6% for AP CS Principles and 28.7% for AP CS A from SY 2017–18 to SY 2018–19 exam takers;
- an increase from 6.8% to 22.7% of Title I schools that offered AP CS courses from SY 2017–18 to SY 2019–20;
- a need for a process of feedback and support for computer science education activities;
- a high percentage of schools using programs like and Scratch;
- minimal to no change in the proportion of participation by girls, Native Hawaiian students, and other underrepresented minorities in formal course enrollment;
- an increase in girls’ participation in AP CS exam taking, but not in the overall proportion of CS course enrollment;
- an increase in the presence of computer science opportunities in Title I schools;
- a tension of time needed to implement computer science education and other initiatives;
- a lack of incorporation of elements of the HĀ framework; and
- a high number of ESSA highly-qualified teachers, but a low number of teachers licensed in computer science.
The intent of the authors is to provide
- a comparison of Hawai‘i to national computer science education trends;
- a description of the current K–12 computer science opportunities in Hawai‘i public schools;
- a broad report of the research results from survey, interview, and document data; and
- a set of recommendations for addressing the local issues that this data uncovers.
Recommendations include
- maintaining continuity and sustainability of CS Initiatives;
- creating additional subsidies for AP examinations;
- establishing common language around computer science education;
- developing pathways toward computer science college majors and careers;
- creating effective supports for teachers;
- rethinking traditional teaching models; and
- committing to equity and access.
A Computer Science Education Landscape Report of Hawai‘i Public Schools, 2017–2020
Computer science, Educational technology, Education, education
Nguyen, T.T.T. & Mordecai, M. (2020). Catching up to move forward: A computer science education landscape report of Hawai‘i public schools, 2017–2020. Curriculum Research & Development Group, University of Hawai‘i.
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(c) 2020, University of Hawai‘i. Can be reproduced in its entirety by the Hawai‘i Department of Education.
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