Why People Adopt Vr English Language Learning Systems: An Extended Perspective Of Task-Technology Fit

dc.contributor.authorLin, Kuan-Yu
dc.contributor.authorWang, Yi-Ting
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Travis
dc.description.abstractVirtual Reality (VR) techniques involving immersion, interaction, and imagination, not only can improve conventional teaching methods, but also can enhance the transmission of education training contents through the interaction and simulation characteristics of VR. Incorporating information technology (IT) with English teaching has become an important issue in the academic field. Emerging after computer-assisted teaching, interactive network learning, distance education, and mobile learning in the early days, virtual reality techniques have been regarded as a new trend of merging technology with education. To explore the factors affecting users’ adoption intention of VR English language learning systems (VRELLS), this study has sought to build a theoretical framework based on the task-technology fit theory (extrinsic motivation) combining users’ needs (internal and external needs) and satisfaction to put forward an integrated research model (perceived needs-technology fit model), which explicates people’s adoption behaviors of VRELLS. An online questionnaire was employed to collect empirical data. A total of 291 samples were analyzed using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results of the study showed that both perceived needs-technology fit and satisfaction play a significant role in the user’ adoption intention of VRELLS services. In addition, the utilitarian and hedonic needs have a positive impact on the user’s perceived needs-technology fit. Also, it was found that relative advantage, service compatibility and complexity are important factors in influencing individuals’ perceived needs-technology fit. The implications of these findings are discussed along with suggestions for future research.
dc.format.extent10 pages
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectReports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice
dc.subjectadoption intention
dc.subjectenglish language learning system
dc.subjectperceived needs-technology fit mode
dc.subjecttask-technology fit theory
dc.subjectvirtual reality (vr)
dc.titleWhy People Adopt Vr English Language Learning Systems: An Extended Perspective Of Task-Technology Fit
dc.typeConference Paper


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