A Policy Framework for Subject-Driven Data Sharing

dc.contributor.author Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed Morshed
dc.contributor.author Colman, Alan
dc.contributor.author Han, Jun
dc.contributor.author Kabir, Muhammad Ashad
dc.date.accessioned 2017-12-28T02:08:18Z
dc.date.available 2017-12-28T02:08:18Z
dc.date.issued 2018-01-03
dc.description.abstract Organizations (e.g., hospitals, university etc.) are custodians of data on their clients and use this information to improve their service. Personal data of an individual therefore ends up hosted under the administration of different data custodians. Individuals (data subjects) may want to share their data with others for various reasons. However, existing data sharing mechanisms provided by the data custodians do not provide individuals enough flexibility to share their data, especially in a cross-domain (data custodian) environment. In this paper, we propose a data sharing policy language and related framework for a data subject to capture their fine-grained data sharing requirements. This proposed language allows the data subject to define data sharing policies that consider context conditions, privacy obligations and re-sharing restrictions. Furthermore, we have implemented a prototype to demonstrate how data subjects can define their data sharing policies and how the policies can be used and enforced at runtime.
dc.format.extent 10 pages
dc.identifier.doi 10.24251/HICSS.2018.594
dc.identifier.isbn 978-0-9981331-1-9
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10125/50483
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.rights.uri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
dc.subject Information Security and Privacy
dc.subject Context-Aware Access, Privacy-Preserving Sharing, Re-sharing, Access Delegation, Subject-Centric Data Sharing
dc.title A Policy Framework for Subject-Driven Data Sharing
dc.type Conference Paper
dc.type.dcmi Text
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