Development and Design of a Compact Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Robotic Surgical System Integrating ROS2 Middleware













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Minimally invasive surgery aims to further this by performing procedures with the least number of incisions necessary. Single-port laparoscopy takes this a step further by having every instrument used in the procedure operate from inside just a single small incision. While minimally invasive surgery has been shown to have beneficial outcomes in regards to the speed, quality, and cosmetics of the healing process, it is heavily restricted by the prerequisite skill required by the surgeon. To this end, Robotic surgical systems can be used to lower the skill floor. The surgical system presented in this thesis was built upon a previous University of Hawai‘i at Manoa system [1], designed to have a similar level of performance to other systems on the market, such as the Intuitive Surgical Inc. da Vinci RAS, while reducing the cost and total volume taken up by the system. While the goals of cost and volume were solved by the previous iteration of the surgical system, it introduced a brand new problem of longevity. To remedy this, new components possessing similar dimensions to the components of the original system were used, but with 6061 aluminum as the primary material used, rather than ABS P-430 plastic. A new control system was also created which utilizes a damped-least squares algorithm to calculate the inverse kinematics based on the motions of a Geomagic/Sensable Phantom Omni controller, and using velocity control to further adjust the positioning. Finally, rather than operating from multiple computers simultaneously, Robotic Operating System 2 (ROS2) middleware was implemented to allow for the simultaneous operation of two arms through multi-core processing, the transference of positional data between the two control algorithms, and any additional programs. Through the use of a Northern Digital Polaris Vicra optical tracker, spatial data for the system was taken for movement along a preset path, and free hand taken from the controller, both over a time of 70 seconds. The results in both cases displayed a visual reduction in positional drifting when compared to the results of previous systems, with the preset path never visually achieving more than a drift of 0.5 mm off the path before self-correcting, with an average deviation from the path of 0.434 mm. The free hand data, also displayed a visual improvement by maintaining the same path for the duration of the experiment, rather than permanently drifting in a single direction, with an average deviation from the path of 1.953 mm. While the motion tracking data does show a promising improvement compared to the previous UH Mānoa system, additional practical testing and structural refinements will be required to determine if the surgical system is ready to enter pre-clinical development.



Robotics, 3D printed component design, robotic surgery, ROS2, single site surgery, teleoperated robotic systems



171 pages


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