Increasing Patient Satisfaction Scores on the Pain Management Section of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare, Providers, and Systems Survey.

dc.contributor.authorDukes, Ivrys M.
dc.contributor.departmentNursing Practice
dc.titleIncreasing Patient Satisfaction Scores on the Pain Management Section of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare, Providers, and Systems Survey.
dcterms.abstractPatient satisfaction has increasingly come into focus and quickly becoming one if not the main criteria used by healthcare facilities to measure quality of care. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey is used as a means for patients to express how satisfied or unsatisfied they were with their care. Due to the subjective nature of patient satisfaction, it can be frustrating to try and improve patient satisfaction scores with their care. However, this leads to the incorporation of innovative ways in order to improve low scores and maintain high ones. For this particular project, the aim was to increase the pain management score at Pali Momi Medical Center, on Telemetry 5. A structured guideline was developed and incorporated into the pain assessment performed by nurses on this floor. Due to evidence found it was expected that by focusing on patient perception of care, and not on the pain control medication, evidence showed that patient satisfaction scores could go up. Therefore, the guideline implemented allowed for a more open communication between the patients and their nurses, with questions geared towards portraying a more empathic nurse along with verbiage meant to validate patient’s pain. When post interventional data was compared with the pre-interventional data, it was concluded that the guideline did not help to increase patient satisfaction scores in pain management. However, further inquiry brought to light the lack of participation from the nurses in using the guideline; therefore, it is also concluded that the guideline needs to be implemented at a site where there is more participation in order to reach solid results. Also, it should be implemented for a period longer than three months, as this time frame did not prove sufficient for a project of this dimension.
dcterms.descriptionD.N.P. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018.
dcterms.publisherUniversity of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
dcterms.rightsAll UHM dissertations and theses are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission from the copyright owner.


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