Electric Energy Systems

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The Electric Energy Systems track seeks to explore critical questions and innovative methods at the frontier of next generation electric power systems. The focus is on the engineering, economics, and policy issues that are at the forefront of current research, development, and demonstration. The track encompasses four minitracks, each having two sessions with total of eight sessions scheduled sequentially to allow those interested to attend all sessions in the track.

The first minitrack focuses on topics in Monitoring, Control and Protection in electric power systems. Papers in this minitrack will consider issues of voltage control and stability, leveraging tools from machine learning, modal analysis, reinforcement learning. Asecond set of papers considers applications specific to operational control of distribution with distributed and renewable resources using probabilistic and SDP optimization methods.

The second minitrack, entitled Resilient Networks, focuses on enhancing the reliability, security, and resilience of future electric power infrastructure. Advanced technologies will require sophisticated methods for understanding how they can be incorporated into increasingly complex and dynamic infrastructure. Papers in this minitrack consider stability and resilience of networks ranging from large scale transmission, to interconnected microgrids. Methods leverage reinforcement and machine learning, stochastic optimization, and complex systems theory, for detection and protection against extreme weather events, spatially correlated failures, and transient instabilities.

The third minitrack focuses on Policy, Markets and Analytics with topics related to engineering and economic interactions within the electric grid. The first group of papers looks at new frontiers in electricity markets from the perspective of metrics and market structures that will support decarbonization. The second set of papers explores new problem formulations, algorithmic developments and computational advances that directly address the operational, planning and reliability challenges being faced by operators and users of large-scale energy transmission infrastructures.

Finally, the fourth minitrack deals with important challenges in Distributed, Renewable, and Mobile Resources into the electric power grid from two perspectives; the first will focus on the necessity to coordinate and engage communities and consumers at the grid edge with new models and methods for planning, operating, and architecture of markets and interconnected transmission, distribution, and transportations systems. The second focus in this minitrack is on managing increased levels of variability and uncertainty on the transmission system under changing generation resource mix and climate change futures.

C. Lindsay Anderson
Cornell University

Thomas J. Overbye
Texas A&M University


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