Knowledge and Innovation Management in the Age of Complexity

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    The Role of Knowledge Management in Innovative Supply Chain Design
    (2018-01-03) Gloet, Marianne; Samson, Danny
    This exploratory research examined the contribution of knowledge management (KM) to supply chain management (SCM) and its specific role in supply chain design. Following a review of relevant literature, a conceptual model was developed to indicate the knowledge domains involved in an innovative approach to supply chain design. The contributions of KM are investigated and analyzed through a case study of supply chain design in the Australian beef industry. While KM supported supply chain design through various KM processes such as knowledge acquisition, sharing, dissemination and protection, the most significant contribution came from the process of knowledge integration. This indicates the significant potential of KM to play a major role in supporting the complex nature of contemporary supply chain design.
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    Enabling Innovation Champions in Organizations - Results of a Systematic Literature Analysis
    (2018-01-03) Reibenspiess, Victoria; Drechsler, Katharina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner, Heinz-Theo
    Based on a systematic literature analysis, this paper takes stock of the current landscape of research on innovation champions from an individual and organizational perspective: 149 journals and conference proceedings were examined on the topic of innovation champions. 85 articles were identified as relevant and systematically categorized according to two perspectives by synthesizing enablers of innovation champions on the individual (e.g. skills) and organizational level (e.g. knowledge management). While our analysis illuminates a high variety of enablers that influence innovation champions, the descriptive findings show a stronger focus of innovation champion studies on individual level enablers. Our literature review points out the lack of research on negative individual characteristics (e.g. narcissism), on the innovation champion in the IS context and on formalized groups of innovation champions (e.g. organizational units).
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    Open Innovation in Libraries
    (2018-01-03) Henkel, Maria; Ilhan, Aylin; Mainka, Agnes; Stock, Wolfgang
    "Open innovation" means the participation of an institution’s stakeholders (customers, suppliers, competitors, etc.) in its innovation processes. With the advent of the knowledge society, the role of libraries is deeply changing towards digital libraries, special services, and the provision of spaces. However, how should libraries realize such knowledge and innovation projects? Concerning libraries, open innovation integrates the views of users (as customers), software houses or design companies (as suppliers) as well as other libraries (as competitors) into the development strategy of a library. Innovation processes include information inflows and information outflows. In this paper, a theoretical model of open innovation in the context of the library institution is presented. We describe results of a survey and introduce paradigmatic case studies of libraries, which deployed open innovation and networked governance. These libraries show examples of innovation processes on a scale from small to large.