Honors Projects for Human Resources

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    Self-Acceptance and Childrearing Philosophy Preference: A Correlational Study of Parents of Pre-school Aged Children
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Siu, Michael ; Human Resources
    A questionnaire survey was implemented in this study in order to determine if there existed a significant, positive relationship between the variables of self acceptance and childrearing philosophy preference. The subjects consisted of thirty-five parents from the Early School, a pre-school located near the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Entailed in this thesis are sections dealing with the concept of "self," the phenomenon of self-acceptance (and pertinent studies), and an introduction and description of three current models of socialization. A major question of this study was to explore the existence of a specific childrearing model whose premises afforded the possibility of facilitating an enhanced, optimum development of a positive self-concept in children. As an integral part of this investigative process, care was taken to identify those cluster of caring and nurturing parental qualities that may prove to be most beneficial for a child's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Given the constraints of the research design, the following summarizes the significant results obtained in this study: 1.) There existed a significant tendency for those parents who revealed high attitudinal degrees of self-acceptance and acceptance of others (as measured by the Berger Self-Acceptance Scale, 1952), to have a corresponding preference for the Rogerian (child-centered) approach to childrearing. 2.) This study served to further substantiate previous studies claiming a significant, positive correlation between the variables of self-acceptance and acceptance of others (as measured by the Berger Self-Acceptance Scale, 1952). 3.) Among the respondents, there existed a significant, positive relationship between "self-acceptance" and ascending educational status. 4.) Finally, there existed a significant tendency for non-Caucasian ethnic groups to score higher on the Skinnerian (parent-centered) approach to childrearing.
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    Women and Work: Attitudes Towards the Employment of Married Women
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Saracino, Marie ; Human Resources
    Women have always worked, but the employment of married women outside the home has generally been viewed with disfavor. According to societal ascriptions, the public world of work is the domain of men, while women's proper place is in the home. This division of labor between the sexes appears to be disintegrating as increasing numbers of women, including wives and mothers join the ranks of the paid labor force. The proportion of employed women has steadily increased over the years. In 1920, 23 percent of the entire female population were in the work force. This figure rose to 29 percent in 1940, and reached 43 percent in 1970. By the end of 1978, nearly half (49 percent) of all women aged 16 years and over were employed in the labor force (Hesse, 1979). Smith (1979) called the mass movement of women in the work force a "subtle revolution."
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    The Values of Elected Government Officials in the State of Hawaii
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Rosehill, Linda ; Human Resources
    The purpose of this study was to determine the value priorities among the elected governement officials of the State of Hawaii and to investigate the effects of variables such as ethnicity, sex, age, education, and marital status upon these values. The Rokeach Value Survey and a demographic questionaire was sent to each individual. It was found that ethnicity played a major role in determining values. The value of "family security" indicates the great importance placed upon the family by local ethnic groups. Further, the values given priority reflected the affluent nature of the sample as well as their educational background.
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    Adlerian Education at Our Lady of Sorrows School and its Implications for Parent Education
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Oyama, Lynn ; Human Resources
    Having attended public schools from kindergarten through four years of college, I was a bit apprehensive about student teaching in a private parochial school. How would I fit in? Would the fact that I am a Buddhist disappoint the people with whom I would work with for the next five months? How much of the stereotyped impressions I had of parochial schools were in fact, reality? The first day at our Lady of Sorrows found me cautious of jumping to conclusions. After all, I knew nothing about the school or its policies, having done all my previous observations in public schools. I was aware of my constant comparisons with D.O.E. schools and my experiences in school. Luckily, I was assigned to a very patient and understanding woman named Della Walsh, who took the time to acquaint me with the philosophy and practices of the school. After listening to a tape recording of the school philosophy, and about two weeks of long afternoon discussions, I was ready to begin. My first impression of utter chaos soon subsided. Beneath what seemed to be an excessive amount of activity, was an underlying sense of purpose and direction. What appeared to be at first, harsh and difficult for children to understand became so sensible… and logical.
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    A Comparison of Handicapped and NonHandicapped College Students on Physical Capability, Self-Esteem, and Locus of Control
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Obatake, Mark ; Human Resources
    In the past, various investigations have been concerned with the effects of physical performance on psychological functioning. The problem was to generate concepts and meanings that would enable us to understand the relationship between physical and psychological variables. The present study will attempt to clarify this issue by, first, discussing briefly body image and schema and demonstrating the importance of physical movement for perceptual orientation. Second, the social environment and how it influences the development of perceptual awareness, and provides the individual with "meanings" which he uses in his feedback system, will be presented. And finally, the product which is created by these "meanings", a feeling of self-esteem or inferiority, will be discussed. The somato-psychological approach focuses on the individual's body and the perceptions drawn by its awareness. This perception of self is termed the body image. It is a subjective conceptualization of how we "see" ourselves, or more specifically, what we think our physical appearance is like. The emergence of the body image is closely associated with the development of the body schema, a spatial orientation that defines the boundaries of our physical selves. Movement is essential in the process of differentiating the body, or self, from the environment. On the molecular level, the human organism is highly specialized in gauging its own motion and utilizing it to determine its spatial orientation. Movement provides the individual with an internal structure to organize the localization of the body with respect to the environment. It also lays the foundation for the enactment of more complex behavioral movements and makes clearer the mode of perception.
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    Case Study of Selected Group Communication Methods and Techniques in Private Medical Research Laboratories
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Murakami, Lynn ; Human Resources
    Much of the research and literature on human organizations and effectiveness of comnunication systems in organization, management and interpersonal systems (Thayer, 1968) have focused upon the development of manpower efficiency and output within the industrial and business setting (Herzberg, 1957; Hawthorne Studies Review, 1967). The degree to which all members are able to participate in objective and goal setting, to integrate in the work situation that motivates them to work together productively, cooperatively, and with economic, psychological, and social satisfactions (Davis, 1967) is the whole area of “human relations.” The primary basis of the development of a “human relations program” within any organization is the belief that the members will contribute to the effective and economical accomplishment of organization objectives. This would establish human satisfaction as a means to accomplish of organizational ends such as productivity, motivation, and profit. With respect to actual research, some studies have shown a positive relationship between satisfaction and output, but others have not (Flippo, 1971).
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    Knowledge of Image Consulting Services of a Selected Group of Female Graduate Students at the University of Hawaii
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Mercer, Lynn ; Dickson, Carol Ann ; Human Resources
    The purpose of the study was to identify the degree of knowledge among female Master of Business Administration students and Law students regarding image consulting services, to identify students likely to use the services of an image consultant, and to identify perceived wardrobe needs of the students. Thirty-three business students and fifty-three law students were surveyed. For each survey question, the actual number of responses was calculated for business and law respondents, then the total number of responses from both groups was calculated. Percentage distribution was then calculated in a similar manner for each question. In general, it was found that only a small percentage of the entire population surveyed had knowledge of the services of an image consultant. Respondents likely to use the services of an image consultant were those wishing to have help with their career appearance, help in determining appropriate clothes for career-related activities, or help in determining what styles looked best on their body type. Slightly more business students than law students seemed likely to use the services of an image consultant, yet more of the law respondents had actually used the services of an image consultant. Business respondents had less of an implied dress code, and therefore these women wanted help in determining appropriate clothes for their careers.
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    The Navy Alcohol Safety Action Program (NASAP): A Critical Analysis of an Effective Drug Education Program
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Meagher, William ; Human Resources
    The Navy Alcohol Safety Action Program (NASAP) is promoted as an effective alcoholism prevention education program. As a facilitator for NASAP, I became interested in trying to determine why NASAP education is effective, when almost all other drug education programs are not. Accordingly, I decided to use my honors thesis as a vehicle to research the subject of drug education, and then try and focus on aspects of NASAP education that might account for its reported effectiveness. With this idea in mind, three goals for this thesis were developed. 1. To define the magnitude of the drug problem against which preventive education is directed. 2. To examine the effectiveness of past and present preventive education efforts. 3. To identify an instrument for assessing the effectiveness of NASAP education other than with measures or recidivism.
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    Examining Environmental Education and the "Quality of Life" Concept
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Libed, Myrna ; Human Resources
    Each of us have been greeted by familiar words such as, “How is it?” or “Hi, how are you doing?” or “ How have you been?”. These greetings question our general well-being or happiness and are usually answered by statements like, “Fine thanks, and you?” or “Great!” and sometimes “Not so good, but I‘m hanging in there.”. Imagine, if people started greeting each other with, “Hi, how’s your quality of life?” or “Your quality of life been okay?”. How would you respond? You’d probably think awhile and maybe say, “Fine, thank-you” or “Good, what about you?” and maybe even “Not so great, but I’m hanging in there.” What do we mean when we talk about our “quality of life”? How do we define it and by what do we measure it by? Is there some way to improve upon it? The difficulty with the “quality of life” concept lies in agreeing on a set definition and naming a set of indicators to measure the concept. Quality means a “degree of excellence” or “inherent, enduring good traits that makes something superior”. How do we define and measure what is “good” and “excellent” in life? Each of us have basic needs to fulfill in life, yet we also have our own desires and wants in life that contribute to our different lifestyles. The meaning of “quality of life” becomes very personal and subjective because of our own values and attitudes affect our defining “quality of life”. Several of us would differ in the way we define “quality of life” because of our different standards and different perspectives.
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    Motivation Factors for the Utilization of Mass Transit
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-09-26) Lau, Lorraine ; Meredith, Connie G. ; Human Resources
    Whether one considers it a personal problem or not, traffic congestion on Oahu is getting worse. The private automobile, the dominant mode of transportation in this rapidly growing urban area, requires more and more highways to accommodate it. This means less space available for offices in the Central Business District (CBD) as well as destruction of the natural environment. More highways mean more feeder streets and parking facilities where the trip terminates, usually at common points in the urban core. This tends to defeat the purpose of coming there at all: more space would be devoted for the trip over than for the purpose itself! The history of transportation on Oahu, where in 1970 over 80 percent of the state of Hawaii's population lived, (State, 1973b) followed the same pattern as in the rest of the United States. The technological development of the automobile has had a great effect in destroying the mass transit industry. Passenger car registrations have grown from the turn of the century, dipping only during the Depression and World War II. (Schneider, 1965) In Hawaii, the car population is growing at a rate three times faster than our human population. (Cleaner Air Week, 1973) The dynamic growth of automobile usage has convinced many planners that the future city will be dominated by the automobile simply because people have an overwhelming desire to travel in their own cars.