Advances in Design Science Research

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    What Are They Talking about? Relation Extraction from News to Identify Research Directions in Emerging Technologies
    (2021-01-05) Prat, Nicolas
    Emerging technologies are characterized by their uncertainty, rapid evolution, and major impact. We focus on identifying research directions in these technologies. Identifying these research directions requires keeping in pace with the development of the technologies, and reaching out to individuals and society, beyond organizations. This is made possible by big data analytics. This paper uses design science research to propose and apply a methodology that performs text mining on news crawled from the Internet to identify research directions for an emerging technology. The methodology uses relation extraction on the news documents to extract relations between terms of the emerging technology and information systems constructs. These relations are then analyzed to suggest research avenues. We apply the methodology to blockchain, a major emerging technology, and derive insights from this application.
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    The Design Towards a News Aggregator Subscription Service: Results from An Online Experiment
    (2021-01-05) Kazan, Erol; Tuunanen, Tuure; Ghanbari, Hadi; Li, Mengcheng
    The newspaper industry is on a quest to discover sustainable business models. Digital subscriptions are stable revenue generators for most publishers. That being said, smaller publishers face challenges. By not having the same resource base to offset costs compared to larger ones, small publishers are in a constant state of financial unpredictability. Another persistent problem among them is the high churn rate of subscriptions (i.e., the cancelation rate), which suggests a value misalignment between readers and service. New services like news aggregators may promise publishers a large pool of paying readers, as readers have access to diverse content by different publishers and are willing to pay for pooled news content. But platform fees and the disintermediation of direct customer relationships enact barriers for many publishers. To address these shortcomings, this study conducts an online experiment based on design science research to test the performance of different payment plans for a collaborative news aggregator service. We identify preliminary design principles for value creation and capture, which can be utilized for designing a commercial and collaborative news aggregator service.
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    Promoting Design Knowledge Accumulation Through Systematic Reuse: The Case for Product Line Engineering
    (2021-01-05) Diaz, Oscar; Medina, Haritz; Perez Contell, Jeremias
    DSR literature raises concerns about Design Knowledge (DK) accumulation across distinct projects. We believe that DK and the artifact(s) that fleshes it out, are the two sides of the same coin, to the extent that, for DK accumulation to thrive, DSR artifacts should come along. On these premises, and with a focus on software artifacts, we advocate for complementing the relevance-design-rigor cycles with a fourth step: refactoring. By `refactoring' is meant the effort that goes in making the design artifact fit to evolve. Specifically, we advocate for artifact development to introduce reuse considerations: development-with-reuse permits to start for reusable code, while development-for-reuse allows for artifact customization to be merged back to the reuse platform, and hence, making it available to subsequent projects. By intertwining ``for reuse'' and ``by reuse'', a reuse platform gradually emerges that expands beyond a single DSR project, and in so doing, becomes the artifact counterpart of the DK accumulation repository. To this end, we make the case for adapting Product Line Engineering (PLE) to DSR. This software development methodology advocates for systematic reuse by putting the focus on a family of artifacts rather than on one-off artifacts. This work describes the efforts so far on adopting PLE to explore a design region along three DSR projects, each with its own artifact, yet similar enough to conform a product family.
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    Managing Boundary-Spanning Cognition Through Emergent Problem-Framing in Enterprise Systems Design
    (2021-01-05) Gasson, Susan
    This paper presents findings from a study of the co-design of business processes and IT systems at the enterprise level. The findings suggest a punctuated equilibrium model of boundary-spanning design that is driven by a series of coordinating representations of the design problem-structure. These become more complicated as the design proceeds, adding new perspectives and dimensions to prior representations, and calling upon salient surface-structures that are helpful in conceptualizing the context of design. This finding challenges the notion of design as the exploration of deep organizational structures or as goal-driven design.
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    Dealers of Peaches and Lemons: How Can Used Car Dealers Use Trusted Car Data to create value?
    (2021-01-05) Baumann, Joachim; Zavolokina, Liudmila; Schwabe, Gerhard
    The used car market is full of mistrust and uncertainties. Providing a vehicle history with trusted car data increases market transparency but also threatens the market position of used car dealers. But does a vehicle history also provide opportunities for them? Based on expert interviews, we propose three design principles addressing current problems. The evaluation results of prototypes – which are based on these principles – indicate that they could improve the current market situation by easing data access, increasing the efficiency of sales related processes, and by expanding the competences of used car dealers. This paper is one of only few papers analyzing the current situation of used car dealers in the light of emerging new technologies. It indicates that used car dealers do not necessarily become disintermediated by the provision of trusted car data but rather have opportunities to reinvent themselves.
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    Data Science Canvas: Evaluation of a Tool to Manage Data Science Projects
    (2021-01-05) Neifer, Thomas; Lawo, Dennis; Esau, Margarita
    Data emerged as a central success factor for companies to benefit from digitization. However, the skills in successfully creating value from data – especially at the management level – are not always profound. To address this problem, several canvas models have already been designed. Canvas models are usually created to write down an idea in a structured way to promote transparency and traceability. However, some existing data science canvas models mainly address developers and are thus unsuitable for decision-makers and communication within interdisciplinary teams. Based on a literature review, we identified influencing factors that are essential for the success of data science projects. With the information gained, the Data Science Canvas was developed in an expert workshop and finally evaluated by practitioners to find out whether such an instrument could support data-driven value creation.
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    Architecture of Belonging – A Social Identity-based Design Theory of Community Identification in Multiplayer Video Games
    (2021-01-05) Kordyaka, Bastian; Laato, Samuli; Müller, Marius; Niehaves, Bjoern
    Recently several studies have worked towards a better understanding of reasons to play multiplayer online games (MOGs). Despite multiple approaches used, understanding of the topic remains incomplete due to its complexity. This study constructs an explanatory design theory of community identification as a predictor of engagement in MOGs. To that end, a structured multimixed-method study was conducted. First, a quantitative survey (N=236) was used to illustrate the explanatory power of community identification in the specific context of our study. Second, a workshop (N=10) was held identifying similarity and mutual influence as the most meaningful design elements of community identification. On this basis, and building off the design science paradigm, and assumptions from the contrast model and interactive richness, an explanatory design theory to foster community identification in MOGs is derived. The model features the elements of the design factors similarity (high vs. low) and interactive richness (rich vs. poor) that can be tested in future (experimental) research.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Design Science Research
    (2021-01-05) Rossi, Matti; Baskerville, Richard; Tuunanen, Tuure