LD&C Special Publication No. 11: Mutsun-English English-Mutsun Dictionary, mutsun-inkiS inkiS-mutsun riica pappel

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    Mutsun-English English-Mutsun Dictionary
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2016-02-20) Warner, Natasha ; Butler, Lynnika ; Geary, Quirina
    Mutsun is a Costanoan language (part of the Utian language family) from California in the area around the modern towns of San Juan Bautista, Hollister, and Gilroy. The last fluent speaker of Mutsun, Mrs. Ascension Solarsano, died in 1930. Because of her work and the work of earlier native Mutsun speakers with early linguists, there is a large written corpus of Mutsun. This dictionary was compiled by analyzing that documentation. The dictionary is written to be useful both for language revitalization and for linguistic research.
© All texts and images are copyright to the respective authors, 2016.