Abbott, Isabella A.

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Dr. Isabella Abbott, Emerita
Department of Botany
1950 PhD. Botany
University of Stanford
More than 150 publications

Curriculum Vitae


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    Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae (Rhodophyta): Helminthocladia
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1961-01) Doty, Maxwell S.; Abbott, Isabella A.
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    Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae, III Liagoropsis
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1964-10) Doty, Maxwell S.; Abbott, Isabella A.
    In the first paper in this series of studies of the Helminthocladiaceae (Dory and Abbott, 1961 ), we have shown that, in two species of Helminthocladia from Hawaii, the female reproductive structures are generally similar to those described by other workers for other species in the genus, and that vegetative structures such as internal cortical rhizoids may be used to distinguish at least the Hawaiian species. In the second paper of this series (Abbott and Dory, 1960) a new genus, Trichogloeopsis, was described as containing three species, one new and two transfers from the genus Liagora. They share a major character in common, that of sterile rhizoidal extensions of the gonimoblast, but again the three species may be distinguished from each other by their vegetative structures.
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    On Some Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from California
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1971-07) Abbott, Isabella A.
    Morphological features in the red algal family Ceramiaceae are described for four taxa from California. One of them, Bornetia californica, is described as new to science and is distinguished from other known species by the method of branching in the tetrasporangial and spermatangial laterals. Ptilothamnion codicolum is a transfer from Pleonosporium and is placed in this genus because of the number of cells of the fertile axis and the development of the gonimoblast. Spermothamnion snyderae, widely distributed on the Pacific coast, is transferred to Tiffaniella because of the structure of the gonimoblast and the lack of an involucre. Two species of Callithamnion, C. rigidum Dawson and C. uncinatum Dawson, are placed in synonymy with Callithamnion rupicolum Anderson.
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    New Records and Notes on Hawaiian Marine Benthic Chlorophyta, including Pseudochlorodesmis abbreviata (Gilbert), n. comb. (Udoteaceae) and Cladophora luxurians (Gilbert), n. comb. (Cladophoraceae)
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2003-07) Abbott, Isabella A.; Huisman, John M.
    Morphology, taxonomy, and nomenclature of three species of Hawaiian green algae (Chlorophyta) are examined. Udotea? abbreviata Gilbert is shown to be incorrectly placed in that genus and more appropriately allied to Pseudochlorodesmis. The complex nomenclatural relationships of Cladophora tildeniae Brand in Tilden, Cladophora tildeniae Brand, and Cladophora hawaiiana Tilden are described, with the latter deemed the appropriate name and Microdietyon japonicum var. laxum Gilbert regarded as a synonym. An examination of Cladophoropsis luxurians Gilbert has shown it to have delayed formation of transverse walls at the bases of lateral branches, a feature not consistent with inclusion in Cladophoropsis but rather with Cladophora. The new combinations Pseudochlorodesmis abbreviata (Gilbert) Abbott & Huisman and Cladophora luxurians (Gilbert) Abbott & Huisman are made, and nine species of marine benthic Chlorophyta are newly recorded for the Hawaiian Islands.
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    The Liagoraceae (Rhodophyta: Nemaliales) of the Hawaiian Islands. 1: First Record of the Genus Gloiotrichus for Hawai'i and the Pacific Ocean
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2003-07) Huisman, John M.; Abbott, Isabella A.
    Gloiotrichus fractalis Huisman & Kraft is documented for the first time from the island of Hawai'i, Hawaiian Islands, which also represents the first record for the Pacific Ocean. The single specimen on which the record is based is 12 cm in height, extremely mucilaginous, with percurrent primary axes and irregularly arranged lateral branches. Carpogonial branches are borne on the basal one to three cells of cortical fascicles; when mature they are five to eight cells long and straight. Before fertilization, cells of the carpogonial branch produce several lateral branches similar in morphology to cortical filaments. After presumed fertilization the zygote (= postfertilization carpogonium) divides transversely and gonimoblast initials are produced from both of the resultant cells. Mature carposporophytes are spherical, with terminal carposporangia and a fusion cell formed from the cells of the carpogonial branch and basal cells of lateral filaments. The Hawaiian specimen is identical in virtually all respects to those from the Indian Ocean type locality in the Houtman Abrolhos Islands of Western Australia.
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    On Two Species of Kallymenia (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales: Kallymeniaceae) from the Hawaiian Islands, Central Pacific
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2002-04) Abbott, Isabella A.; McDermid, Karla J.
    Two species of Kallymenia from the Hawaiian Islands, one rare, K. sessilis Okamura, and the other described here for the first time, K. thompsonii, n. sp., are examined, compared, and contrasted with other similar Kallymenia species. Both species are unusual because Kallymenia is generally regarded as a temperate taxon, and tropical or subtropical species are seldom encountered. The two species are alike in that they have a female reproductive apparatus that is monocarpogonial: wherein a single carpogonial filament is associated with a supporting cell also bearing an arrangement of subsidiary cells that is characteristic of some of the family Kallymeniaceae. In the genus Kallymenia, vegetative components shown in a cross section are a narrow outer cortex, often only three cells thick, followed inwardly by one to two layers of subcortical cells. In the two species studied here, there appears to be a constant shape and arrangement of subcortical cells in each species, whereas the number of medullary filaments and their arrangements appear to be less stable in their configuration than the subcortical cells. Branched refractive cells or stellate cells, which often occur in species of Kallymenia, were not seen in K thompsonii and only rarely in K sessilis. Kallymenia thompsonii commonly has perforations in the maturing blades, whereas K. sessilis does not.
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    Callidictyon abyssorum, gen. et sp. nov. (Rhodophyta), A New Deep-water Net-forming Alga from Hawai'i
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1995-04) Norris, James N.; Abbott, Isabella A.; Agegian, Catherine R.
    Callidictyon abyssorum, gen. et sp. nov., an unusual, net-forming red alga, is described from deep-water Pacific collections made from the research submersible Makati'i at 80-m depths on Penguin Bank, off the island of Moloka'i, Hawai'i. Though no reproductive structures were found, the new genus shares vegetative similarities with three tribes of the Ceramiaceae. The vegetative structure of C. abyssorum is similar to that of genera of the tribe Antithamnieae in having: (1) distinct basal cells on all primary lateral branches that are isodiametric and smaller than other cells of the primary laterals; (2) a central axis that is prostrate except for the portions near the apices of branches; and (3) axes that are completely without cortication. Some characters of C. abyssorum also suggest affinities to genera of the Callithamnieae, including: (1) the oblique apical cell division resulting in a strictly alternate branching pattern; (2) the absence of gland cells; and, (3) the presence of short, branching rhizoids on the basal cells of the primary lateral branches and long slender rhizoids on the main axial cells. Finally, the regularly alternate branching pattern, blunt apices, formation of anastomoses, and different .types of rhizoidal filaments, all characteristics of C. abyssorum, are also features present in members of the Compsothamnieae. Based on vegetative features, Callidictyon is tentatively placed in the Ceramiaceae until reproductive structures are found.
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    New Species and Notes on Marine Algae from Hawai'i
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1996-04) Abbott, Isabella A.
    Five new species are described: one in the brown algal genus Padina and four in the red algal genera Hypoglossum, Spirocladia, Micropeuce, and Laurencia. Padina melemele Abbott & Magruder differs from known Padina species because of extremely strong calcification on the ventral surface and a bright yellow color on the dorsal surface. Hypoglossum wynnei Abbott differs from other species of Hypoglossum in Hawai'i in having divided, ribbonlike segments and small, discrete sporangial sori. Spirocladia hodgsoniae Abbott shows distinctive holdfasts where proliferation of cortical cells connects decumbentaxes and erect filaments. Micropeuce setosus Abbott is a minute species collected at 72 m depth, showing conspicuous bristlelike trichoblasts on each tetrasporangial segment. Laurencia mcdermidiae Abbott joins a number of species of Laurencia marked by their bright green color, ordinarily pink or red in other species. Dudresnaya littleri Abbott is proposed as a new name for D. lubrica Littler [non D. lubrica (Lyngbye) Trevisan], and taxonomic notes are given on Trichogloea species. Halymenia maculata J. Agardh, Predaea laciniosa Kraft, Cubiculosporum koronicarpis Kraft, and Kallymenia sessilis Okamura are given as new records.
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    New Taxa of Ceramieae (Rhodophyta) from Hawai'i
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1992-10) Norris, Richard E.; Abbott, Isabella A.
    A new genus and five new species belonging in the Ceramieae have been found in recent analyses of the Hawaiian Ceramiaceae. Ardreanema, the new genus, is a microscopic plant having a simple moniliform structure with light cortication where cells meet (nodes) in the filament. Several gonimolobes composed of uniseriate rows of carposporangia are formed on female plants, and tetrasporangia, one per segment, are borne in a series near distal ends of branches. A single species, A. farifructa, n. sp., is assigned to the genus. The other new species are Ceramium dumosertum, Ceramium womersleyi, Ceramium hanaense, and Ceramium ptilocladioides.
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    Symposium on Marine Diversity and Biogeography in the Tropics. Pacific Science Congress, May-June 1991, Honolulu
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1992-10) Abbott, Isabella A.
    Seven persons were asked to discuss the diversity and biogeography of various groups of marine organisms from as wide a geographic span as possible in the warm Pacific. The organisms covered were marine algae, marine mollusks, and fishes; unfortunately, J. E. N. Veron of Australia, who was expected to speak on corals, was unable to attend. We present here three abstracts and three full-length papers. No symposium on marine diversity has ever been presented to the Congress, although each member country in the Congress is impacted by one or more oceans or seas. Of the major groups of marine organisms, probably the least studied (and least understood) are the marine algae. The three papers are on algae and show different perspectives although the subject matter is systematics and ecology. In "Geographic patterns of diversity in benthic marine algae," Paul Silva defines diversity and shows that although land plant diversity is greater in the tropics, marine algae show more diversity in the warm-temperate boundaries. In "Marine phytogeography of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago: A new assessment," Bernabe Santelices shows that the relatively high diversity with 32% endemism found in the Juan Fernandez Islands is largely due to the physical barrier of the cold northward-flowing Peru or Humboldt Current. Celia Smith in "Diversity in intertidal habitats: An assessment of the marine algae of select high islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago" revealed many data that furnished the bases for far-reaching comparisons: age-related basalt substrates and limestone benches on an island about 35,000 yr old yielded a flora with greater diversity than similar transects on a younger basalt island, contributing to the conclusion that similar diversity patterns appear to depend on substrate similarity as well as current patterns around islands. The three abstracts cover algae from French Polynesia, fishes, and marine mollusks. The papers that stem from these abstracts have been or are being published elsewhere.