RDS Volume 12, No. 2 & 3

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    Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal Volume 12 Issue 2 & 3
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016)
    Population aging is taking place in nearly all countries across the globe. Within current research and policy, the relationship between disability and aging is often oversimplified and underdeveloped. Disability is assumed to be a product of unsuccessful aging, and aging as an obstacle to living well with a disability. This special issue of The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal (RDS) features eight original articles that analyze how disability and aging appear within research and policy in Canada, the United States, Australia and Switzerland. The articles in this international collection use interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the relationship between disability and aging in its complexity. They expose and challenge age and disability related myths and misconceptions and reconsider why global population matters.
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    Disability Studies Dissertation Abstracts v12i23
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Conway, Megan; Erlen, Jonathon
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    Working Group: “Reframing Interventions in Mathematics Education: Critical Perspectives”
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Sheldon, James
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    A Thousand Threads
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Stewart, Elaine
    ‘Thread and fibre have always held me close. Words I may struggle with but any piece of cloth can speak to me. Thread lets me play and explore, it is a material that all people engage with. It is the clothes you wear and the sheets you sleep between. It ties things together. Threads are used in labelling, but words are given precedence. I wrestle with a label that was given me. I read about it, I explore what is said about it in many different ways in our world. It takes over my processes. I fight back, but I I fall into letting it define me again. I am hoping that you will share a label that has been applied to you or a friend. That you will hang a tag on the walls of this box to share that label. I am hoping to use these words in an exploratory activity that will continue. I am beginning to see through this process. A wheelchair is a standard icon for disability. It is usually interpreted as referring to disabilities that are present physically. I started making wheelchairs in my art practice because I do use one. It was a different way to explore the heavily laden subject of my otherness. The longer I have built wheelchairs of varying materials and sizes the more I have come to see my crafted wheelchairs as an exploration of a mind that is labelled 'mentally ill’. Myself, I cannot just push a label aside again.
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    The Becoming Subject of Dementia
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Aubrecht, Katie; Keefe, Janice
    In this paper we analyse the becoming subject of dementia, as it is made to appear within the contexts of nation-building and everyday life. Insights yielded from this analysis suggest the importance of time to recognition of normalcy, and to the meaning of being a person.
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    No Longer Disabled' – Reflections on a Transitional Process Between Disability and Aging in Switzerland
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Rickli, Francesca
    Switzerland’s social security system categorizes seniors with disabilities according to the onset of the disability. The transitional point between the disability insurance and the old age insurance is retirement. The paper describes the underlying assumptions leading to this transition as well as the ways in which seniors with mobility disabilities deal with its effects.
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    ‘My Body Feels Old’: Seniors’ Discursive Constructions of Aging-as-Disabling
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Teems, Yvonne R.
    Social gerontology and disability studies have made similar but separate arguments for ways to study aging and disability, respectively. This study of interviews with seniors finds that seniors characterize aging as disabling and position both identity constructions as negative. The article argues for the use of disability theory and discourse to examine seniors’ lived experiences.
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    Coverage of Aging Well of Individuals Aging with a Disability in Canadian Newspapers: A Content Analysis
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Wolbring, Gregor; Abdullah, Bushra
    We ascertained how disability and disabled people were framed within the 4899 articles covering aging well, active aging, healthy aging, natural aging and successful aging in the 300 Canadian newspapers of the Canadian newsstand complete database. The framing was mostly medical. Problems faced by individuals aging with a disability were mostly ignored.
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    Compulsory Youthfulness: Intersections of Ableism and Ageism in “Successful Aging” Discourses
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Gibbons, Hailee M.
    This article forwards the theory of compulsory youthfulness as a way to explore how ableism, ageism, and other systems of oppression intersect to produce the societal mandate that people must remain youthful and non-disabled throughout the life course, particularly in a cultural context that holds successful aging as an ideal.
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    To Include or Not to Include Them? Realities, Challenges and Resistance to the Participation of People with Disabilities in Seniors’ Organizations
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2016) Raymond, Emilie; Lacroix, Nadine
    People with disabilities are often excluded from mainstream seniors’ organizations. A participatory action research project was undertaken in a seniors’ leisure association to better include members with disabilities. Results underline the importance of understanding the interaction of individual and environmental factors when looking to support the participation of seniors with disabilities.