Pacific Science Volume 17, Number 1, 1963

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Pacific Science is a quarterly publication devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region.


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    Note. Adoption of the Metric System and Celsius Scale
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01)
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    Littoral Sedimentary Processes on Kauai, A Subtropical High Island
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) Inman, D.L.; Gayman, W.R.; Cox, D.C.
    Beach and shallow water sand samples from the island of Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, were studied to ascertain the effects of climate on the supply of sediment, and of wave action on the dispersal and transport of sand along the shores of this circular island. The littoral sediment s of the island are made up of two components: biogenous material, such as shell, coral, and foraminiferal sands, formed near the shoreline; and terrigenous material, consisting mostly of volcanic mineral and rock fragments brought to the beach by rivers. The northeast trade winds play a dominant part in the climatic and oceanographic processes affecting the island. On the windward side of Kauai, the annual rainfall ranges from 30 inches near the coast to over 460 inches at higher elevations; on the leeward side, annual rainfall is less than 20 inches. This large variation in rainfall results in a climatic range from tropic-humid to semi-arid. Rivers draining the wet, windward port ion of the island carry relatively little sand, and the shoreline on this side is characterized by intermittent fringing reefs and beaches of calcareous sand. A detail ed study of several reefs on the windward side of the island shows that each pair of fringing reefs, divided by a relatively deep inlet, constitute separate cells for the circulation of water and distribution of sediments. The highest concentrations of volcanic sand occur on the lee side of the island , where streams draining the semi-arid region enter the coast. The concentration of volcanic material in the beach sands decreases logarithmically with distance along the coast from the rivers.
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    Observations and Experiments on the Food Habits of California Sea Hares of the Genus Aplysia
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) Winkler, Lindsay R.; Dawson, E.Y.
    In a previous paper the senior author (Winkler, 1959a) presented the results of fecal pellet analyses to determine the influence of diet on the color of Aplysia californica Cooper. Only the dominant plants were mentioned in connection with that immediate problem. The present pap er contains more detailed information from that study and from subsequent observations and reviews of references to Aplysia food plants.
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    Notes on the Osteology and Systematic Position of Hypoptychus dybowskii Steindachner and Other Elongate Perciform Fishes
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) Gosline, William A.
    Longer ago that can gracefully be admitted, Dr. Paul Kahsbauer of the Vienna Naturhishistorische Museum was kind enough co send me a specimen of Hypoptyehus dybowskii from Steindachner's (1880) original series taken off "Northern Japan." Steindachner placed this fish alongside the Ammodytidae, and there has been a division of opinion ever since as co whether it should be included in or excluded from that family (cf, Regan, 1913; Jordan, 1923; Duncker and Mohr, 1939; Berg, 1940). In order co investigate its relationships, the Vienna specimen has been stained and dissected, and its osteology compared with that of the ammodytids Bleekeria gilli (Fig. la) and Ammodytes tobianus. The specimen of Bleekeria is Hawaiian and was retrieved from tuna spewings. Ammodytes is represented by two series, sent to me from the U.S. National Museum and the Museum of Comparative Zoology through the courtesy of Dr. L.P. Schultz and Dr. G.W. Mead, respectively.
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    Preliminary Notes on Molluscan Assemblages of the Submarine Banks Around the Izu Islands
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) Okutani, Takashi
    It is well known that there are several submarine banks along the submerged rise which extends southwestward from the southern tip of Izu Peninsula, central Honshu. Small islands such as Toshima, Niijima, Shikine, and Kozu, with several other islets, lie on this rise. These, together with a few other islands situated farther south; are called the Izu Islands. They are linked by a volcanic system, and there is a considerable number of such banks in the neighborhood. A few papers concerned with hydrographical, bathymetrical, and faunistic characteristics of these submarine banks have been prepared by Suzuki and Sato (1944) , Niino (1935, 1952, 1955), and Shirai (1958). On the basis of these works, together with information furnished by the present author, Horikoshi (1957) discussed the topographical peculiarity in relation to the general molluscan fauna on these banks.
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    Species Structure of the Gobiid Fish Gillichthys mirabilis from Coastal Sloughs of the Eastern Pacific
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) Barlow, George W.
    A recent issue of Systematic Zoology (1960, vol. 9, nos. 3, 4 ) was ' devoted entirely to a symposium entitled "The Biogeography of Baja California and Adjacent Seas." One recurring theme was the affinity between forms occurring on the Pacific Coast in the Californian province (Hubbs, 1960: 134), and those in the northern part of the Gulf of California. Between these areas, in the main part of the Gulf, the fauna was said to differ, being primarily Panamic in origin (Garth, 1960; Hubbs, 1960; Walker, 1960) .
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    Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 14. New Species from Malaya and Singapore
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01) St. John, Harold
    As a result of field work in Malaya and Singapore and of study in the herbarium at Singapore, numerous new species of Pandanus have been detected.
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    17:1 Table of Contents - Pacific Science
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-01)
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