Privacy, Trust, and Governance in the Data-driven Economy

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    Building Digital Trust to Protect Whistleblowers - A blockchain-based Reporting Channel
    ( 2023-01-03) Asprion, Petra ; Grieder, Hermann ; Grimmberg, Frank ; Moriggl, Pascal
    Organizations today need internal reporting channels to report illegal/unethical misconduct. For this purpose, organizations set up one or more - often digital - internal reporting channels. Persons/Employees who want to report misconduct, so-called whistleblowers, expose themselves to reprisals and therefore need trustworthy reporting channels which ensure ´Digital Trust´. Blockchain, a technology that overcomes the need for trust due to its properties of immutability and integrity of data, could be promising as underlying technology for a digital reporting channel which is recognized as trustworthy. In our research, we explored multiple perspectives relevant to a trustworthy digital reporting system. Applying design science research, we evaluated the current state of the art of (digital) reporting channels and developed a prototypical blockchain-based reporting solution called “Integrity@Inside”. The prototype is being iteratively demonstrated and pre-evaluated.
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    Does Data Privacy Regulation Only Benefit Contracting Parties? Evidence from International Digital Product Market
    ( 2023-01-03) Li, Ziru ; Lee, Gunwoong ; Raghu, T. S. ; Shi, Zhan
    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) is considered a significant step in global privacy laws. Our paper reveals counterintuitive and heterogeneous effects of GDPR on business performance in the digital products market from an international trade perspective. Based on a unique dataset, we empirically examine whether the rollout of the GDPR affects internal and external mobile app performance in European countries by using a difference-in-differences framework. We find that, in European countries, the implementation of GDPR has significantly increased the performance of mobile apps published outside the EU and decreased the performance of mobile apps published within the EU. We further conduct comprehensive robustness checks and explore the mechanisms. This paper reveals that given the more stringent privacy control instituted by GDPR, consumer privacy concerns over foreign products or services largely reduce. European citizens are more open-minded and willing to use foreign digital goods after the rollout of GDPR.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Privacy, Trust, and Governance in the Data-driven Economy
    ( 2023-01-03) Sandberg, Johan ; Ofe, Hosea ; De Reuver, Mark ; Rudmark, Daniel
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    When and Why Consumers Respond to Online Privacy Violations
    ( 2023-01-03) Tran, Chi ; Reich, Brandon ; Yuan, Hong
    As consumer privacy concerns become paramount, it is increasingly critical to understand what constitutes a privacy violation and how consumers respond. Using a multi-method approach, this research shows that consumers perceive three privacy violation types with increasing levels of severity, explaining when and why consumers exhibit seemingly paradoxical responses to different violation types. Our theorizing and findings suggest that resource control is the predominant mechanism driving privacy behavior, and that situation controllability (operationalized as level of variability of privacy practices within the industry) may moderate its effects. ***Disclosure: An earlier version of this work was submitted and accepted to HICSS last year but was later withdrawn as the authors were unable to attend the conference due to extenuating circumstances. Thanks to the reviews provided by the conference committee last year, we were able to revise and update new analyses and studies in our empirical package in this submission.