Doty, Maxwell S.

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Dr. Maxwell S. Doty


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    Structure and Reproduction of Cottoniella hawaiiensis n. sp. (Rhodophyta)
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1958-07) Doty, Maxwell S. ; Wainwright, M.R.
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    Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae (Rhodophyta): Helminthocladia
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1961-01) Doty, Maxwell S. ; Abbott, Isabella A.
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    Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae, III Liagoropsis
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1964-10) Doty, Maxwell S. ; Abbott, Isabella A.
    In the first paper in this series of studies of the Helminthocladiaceae (Dory and Abbott, 1961 ), we have shown that, in two species of Helminthocladia from Hawaii, the female reproductive structures are generally similar to those described by other workers for other species in the genus, and that vegetative structures such as internal cortical rhizoids may be used to distinguish at least the Hawaiian species. In the second paper of this series (Abbott and Dory, 1960) a new genus, Trichogloeopsis, was described as containing three species, one new and two transfers from the genus Liagora. They share a major character in common, that of sterile rhizoidal extensions of the gonimoblast, but again the three species may be distinguished from each other by their vegetative structures.
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    Gibsmithia hawaiiensis gen. n. et sp. n.
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1963-10) Doty, Maxwell S.
    A new genus , Gibsmithia, is described and tentatively placed in the Dumontiaceae of the red algal order Cryptonemiales. Its diagnostic features are: possession of auxiliary cells in specialized filaments separate from those bearing the carpogonia; the known sexual structures occurring in sori at the tips of soft, gelatinous branches which arise from perennial round stems so as to form a hemispherical head; cruciate tetraspores borne on filaments protruding from the surface of the branches and these same branch filaments often bearing terminal seirospores. The type species of the genus is G. hawaiiensis, known only from the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands.
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    Transfer of Toxic Algal Substances in Marine Food Chains
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1970-07) Doty, Maxwell S. ; Aguilar-Santos, Gertrudes
    Alcoholic and ether extracts of obligate herbivores, omnivores, and detritus feeders common on Caulerpa or in its communities were found, via comparative, and sometimes quantitative, thin-layer chromatography, to contain varying amounts of caulerpicin, caulerpin, palmitic acid, and ß-sitosterol or to lack them. Cerithium and soft corals, which may be either omnivores or carnivores, on occasion contain caulerpicin. The crustacean detritus feeders did not seem to preserve either caulerpicin or caulerpin. It seems well demonstrated that caulerpicin and caulerpin, which, as produced by Caulerpa, are physiologically active and toxic to rats and mice, respectively, are transferred along the food chains and concentrated in the process at least in some herbivores.
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    02-Year first progress report
    (Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Botany, 1975-03-30) Doty, Maxwell S.
    This report details the progress made during the 02-year through January, 1975. It was decided early in the 02-year to remove some personnel from the UHICPS-unit and transfer them to other projects in order to conserve NPS contract funds for concentrating the Unit's work during the winter and summer University vacation periods when faculty and staff have more time to engage in research. This procedure has been a rewarding move in developing the Unit's design so as to ensure the most efficient use of money and time. When one considers the manpower limitations imposed by the Unit's staff being on annual appointments and the manpower available, progress has been quite satisfactory.
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    01-Year final report
    (Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Botany, 1974-10-31) Doty, Maxwell S.
    Largely, the UH/NPS Unit's first half-year has involved a process of adjustment of personnel, the defining of goals and the recruitment and equipping of personnel for office and field operations. With the overlapping of the 02-year program, the staff, being involved in both, has been busy. Only the work projected in the First Progress Report for the 01-year is reported here. It is divided into the following sections: II. Staff, personnel and organization III. The Hawaii Research Center (Frontispiece) IV. Development of other facilities V. Progress on the 01-year-apriori work plan (Area A: Training for Scientific Park Resource Evaluation, Development and Management.) (Area B: Descriptive Inventory of Natural Resources.) (Area C: Biological Control and Carrying Capacities.) (Area D: Basic Data Information and Advisory Systems.) In the case of this last section, the arrangement of the First Progress Report is followed closely. However, several new projects were added and so are interspersed as appropriate. The information provided here presupposes the reader's knowing the contents of the preliminary report; otherwise reading this report should be done with the preliminary report in hand.
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    First progress report: initiation of the work of the unit
    (National Park Service Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Botany, 1974-04-01) Doty, M.S.
    This report is issued for the information of the National Park Service and its cooperating institutions and personnel in fulfillment of the requirements of the related contract no. 8092-0005-100 between the University of Hawaii and the Western Regional Office of the National Park Service. The transmission of the information in this report is the responsibility of Maxwell S. Doty, Botany Department, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, who is Director of the Unit. It has been compiled from field and conference notes principally by the administrative assistant with the help of others as mentioned in the text. Completed 29-111-74.