Filipino History in Hawaii before 1946

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Title: Filipino History in Hawaii before 1946: The Sakada Years of Filipinos in Hawaii
Author: Ruben Alcantara
Place: Lorton, VA, 1988

You may be interested in seeing pictures from Filipino Workers in Hawaii, 1926 found at

Table of Contents

Chapter One: The Bitter and the Sweet[33 p.]
Chapter Two: Sakada, 1909 - 1918[60 p.]
Chapter Three: Filipino Life in Hawaii to 1918[45 p.]
Chapter Four: The 1920 Strike[32 p.]
Chapter Five: The 1924 Strike[27 p.]
Chapter Six: Control after 1924 Strike[55 p.]
Chapter Seven: [missing from manuscript]
Chapter Eight: Filipino Life in Honolulu[60 p.]
Chapter Nine: Plantation Life and Work[66 p.]
Chapter Ten: Exclusion, Depression 1930s to the Vibora Strike[55 p.]
Chapter Eleven: Hawaii during the War Years[25 p.]
Index Index[21 p.]


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