Volume 29 – 1989 : Hawaiian Entomological Society

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    Operational and Scientific Notes Biological Control of Lantana camara L. in Yap
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Muniappan, R.
    The purposely introduced natural enemies of Lantana camara I.. namely, Hypena strigata (F.), Salbia haemorrhoidalis Guenee and Teleonemia scrupulosa Stal, failed to establish on Yap. Lantanophaga pusillidactyla (Walker) and Epinotia lantana Busck, which were not purposely introduced, were found to be established.
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    Hawaiian Eucoilidae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea), Key to Genera and Taxonomic Notes on Apparently Non-Endemic Species
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Beardsley, John W.
    A key to the genera of Eucoilidae known to occur in Hawaii is presented. All known non-endemic species are treated except those which attack larvae of Agromyzidae (Beardsley 1988) and those of the genus Kleidotoma Westwood (Beardsley in press). The following three species are described as new: Eucoila ophyrae, Hexacola neoscatellae Rhoptomeris advena. The following new combinations are proposed: Chrestosema magnifica for Pseudeucoila (Hexamocera) magnificus Yoshimoto, Didtyctium weldi for Pseudeucoila (Pseudeucoila) weldi Yoshimoto, Ganaspis ovata for Pseudeucoila ovata Yoshimoto, and Leptopilina rugipunctata for Pseudeucoila (Pseudeucoila) rugipunctata Yoshimoto. The following new synonomies are proposed: Hexacola samuelsoni Yoshimoto and Yasumatsu (1965) as a junior synonym of Micreriodes guamensis Yoshimoto (1962), and Hexaplasta konensis Ashmead (1901) as a junior synonym of Trybliographa xanthopada Ashmead (1896). The following immigrant species are reported as new to the Hawaiian fauna: Micreriodes guamensis, Eucoila ophyrae, Didyctium weldi, Hexacola neoscatellae, Leptopilina boutardi (Barbotin el al.) and Rhoptomeris advena. In addition, three as yet undetermined species assigned lo Hexacola Forster are each known from a single specimen collected on Oahu.
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    Present Status of Oriental and Mediterranean Fruit Flies and Their Parasites at Three Locations on Oahu, Hawaii
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Chaudhry, Muhammad M.K.
    To establish present status of the oriental fruit fly (OFF), Dacus dorsalis Hendel, and the Mediterranean fruit fly (MED). Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and their parasitoids on Oahu, Hawaii, a study was carried out from August to December 1987, by collecting guava fruit and trapping adult males with lures at three locations; Mt. Tantalus, Lyon Arboretum and Waimanalo. Mean weights of individual guava fruit collected from Mt. Tantalus, Lyon Arboretum, and Waimanalo were found to be 74.0 g. 78.2 g. 9.7 g respectively. Only OFF emerged from 180 fruit which were held in the laboratory, although adult males of MED were trapped at Waimanalo. Populations of OFF were most abundant at the highest elevation, Mt. Tantalus, where the mean number of flies trapped with a methyl eugenol lure in 15 minutes was 55.5. Numbers trapped al the middle elevation, Lyon Arboretum, and lower elevation, Waimanalo, were 29.7, 29.0 respectively. The number of puparia per kg fruit sampled was highest (72.0) at the lowest elevation, Waimanalo. The numbers or puparia per kg fruit from the middle and highest elevations were 60.5, 48.4 respectively. Mean parasitism by the opiine wasp Biosteres arisanus (Sonan) was 48.8%. 37.7%. 29.6% respectively for Mt. Tantalus, Lyon Arboretum and Waimanalo.
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    Discovery of the Genus Gampsocera Schiner from Hawaii, with a Description of a New Species (Diptera: Chloropidae)
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Kanmiya, Kenkichi
    Gampsocera hardyi sp. nov. is described. This is the first species of this genus discovered in Hawaii. The species shows a considerable sexual dimorphism on the markings of thoracic dorsum, legs and wing, and shape of arista. The species was reared from rotting stems of banana, papaya and Wikstroemia sp.
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    Development of The Transparentwinged Plant Bug, Hyalopeplus pellucidus (Stal), A Pest of Cultivated Guava in Hawaii
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Mau, Ronald F.L.; Nishijima, Kate
    The life cycle of the transparentwinged plant bug, Hyalopeplus pellucidus (Stal), was studied on guava, Psidium guajava I... Eggs were deposited in stems, flower buds, and leaf midribs and hatched in an average of 7 days. The 5 nymphal stadia were completed in an average of 14 days. The nymphs were anthophagous, and feeding on flower buds was necessary for normal development. Cage studies showed a direct relationship between feeding injury and the abscission of guava flower buds.
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    An Inexpensive Capillary Flow Board For Olfactometer Studies
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Furutani, Sheldon C.; Arita, Lorna H.; Tsang, Marcel M.
    An inexpensive, easy-to-construct capillary flow board was developed by utilizing polypropylene tubing for the manifolds and Tygon tubing for the manometers. This modified capillary flow hoard provides multiple port outlets to process several test gases simultaneously and, in addition, produces a constant and uniform rate of gas flow. Estimated cost of the flow board, excluding air pump, is $45.00.
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    Pollen Types Collected by Honey Bees at Three Localities on the Island of Hawaii Part I: Floral Source Identification
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Arita, Lorna H.; Sakai, William S.; Moniz, Jadelyn J.
    Pollen pellets removed from the hindlegs of honey bees returning to their hive, were collected on a monthly basis at 200 ft elevation at Hakalau and Panaewa, and at 4000 ft elevation at Volcano, all on the island of Hawaii. Pollen pellet samples were visually separated by color and identified as to floral source at the family level. These samples contained 97 pollen types from 29 plant families. Sixty-three pollen types were found exclusively at a single location: 23 types from 10 families at Hakalau, 12 types from 9 families at Panaewa, and 28 types from 15 families at Volcano. Thirty-four pollen types were found at more than one location; 5 types from 4 families at Hakalau and Panaewa. 6 types from 6 families at Panaewa and Volcano, and 14 types from 10 families at Hakalau and Volcano. Nine pollen types from 7 families were common to all three locations.
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    Biology and Behavior of the South American Moth, Cyanotricha necyria (Felder and Rogenhofer) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), a Potential Biocontrol Agent in Hawaii of the Forest Weed, Passiflora mollissima (HBK) Bailey
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Markin, George P.; Nagata, Roddy F.; Taniguchi, Glenn
    The life cycle of the moth Cyanotricha necyria was studied at ambient outdoor temperatures in a quarantine facility at 1.140 m (3,800 ft.) on the island of Hawaii lo determine if the insert would be a suitable biological control agent for the forest weed Passiflora mollissima. This moth deposits eggs in clusters on the underside of 2- to 4-week-old leaves; first-instar larvae feed gregariously al the leaf margin, but second instars disperse and become solitary. The larvae pass through four instars before pupation. The cocoon is a thin, semi-transparent net-like structure and is spun in a crevice or enclosed in a folded leaf. At ambient outdoor temperatures, total development from egg to adult required 90 days in summer and 120 days in winter. Mating occurred between 5 and 10 days after females emerged, and maximum egg production was achieved between 10 and 25 days. Females lived an average of 32 days with a few surviving and laying eggs, for up to 45 days. Egg production in breeding colonies in the laboratory averaged 3.7 eggs per female per day with an average female laying a total of 67 eggs. However, in both laboratory and field collected eggs, fertility averaged between 45 and 55%. Among field-collected larvae and pupae, 10 to 100% were parasitized by three species of Hymenoptera.
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    Effect of Gamma Radiation on Biosteres longicaudatus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a Larval Parasitoid of Dacus dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae)
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Ramadan, Mohsen M.; Wong, Tim T.Y.
    Pupae of the oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel, which had been exposed as larvae to the parasitoid, Biosteres longicaudatus (Ashmead), were subjected to 10 krad gamma radiation in nitrogen atmosphere on the eleventh day after parasitization. The irradiation treatment caused sterility in the adult parasitoids of both sexes. Gamma irradiation slightly enhanced longevity of treated females when compared with untreated parasitoids. However, longevity of treated males decreased significantly.
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    Foraging Behavior of Laboratory Cultured Mediterranean Fruit Flies on Field-Caged Host Trees
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 1989) Prokopy, Ronald J.; Aluja, Martin; Wong, Tim T.Y.
    We examined the intra-tree foraging behavior of mature, individually-released, laboratory-cultured (for more than 300 generations) Mediterranean fruit fly females, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), on field-caged potted host trees bearing different densities or qualities of host fruit (kumquats) and compared 27 behavioral trails with those of wild origin females examined earlier under the same conditions. Responses of the lab-cultured females were generally qualitatively similar to but quantitatively different from responses of the wild females.