RDS Volume 3, No. 4
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Item Book Review: Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, and the Road to Recovery; Life on the Edge(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Linn, J. GaryAuthor: Barry Stimmel, M.D. Reviewer: J. Gary Linn, Ph.D. Publisher: Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 2002 ISBN: 0-7890-0552-2, 414 pages Cost: $39.95Item Book Review: Elegy for a Disease: A Personal and Cultural History of Polio(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Brown, Steven E.Author: Anne Finger Reviewer: Steven E. Brown Publisher: New York: St. Martin’s, 2006 Cloth, ISBN – 0-312-34757-x, 287 pages Cost: Cloth: $25.95Item Book Review: Culture and Disability: Providing Culturally Competent Services(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Ratliffe, Katherine T.Author: John H. Stone, Ed. Reviewer: Katherine T. Ratliffe Publisher: Sage, 2005 Paper, ISBN: 9870-7619-3084-6, 272 pp. Cost: $39.95Item Book Review: BlindSight: Come and See(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Brown, Steven E.Author: Jane L. Toleno Reviewer: Steven E. Brown Publisher: Ely, MN: Singing River, 2006 Paper, ISBN: 0-9774831-4-2, 141 pages Cost: 14.95Item Book Review: Developments in Direct Payments(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Dierks, KevinAuthors: Janet Lee & Joanna Bornat, Eds. Reviewer: Kevin Dierks Publisher: Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2006 Cloth, ISBN – 10-1-86134-654-9, 320 pages Paper, ISBN – 13-978-1-86134-654-4, 320 pages Cost: Cloth - $85.00 USD, Paper - $39.29 USDItem Adolescents with Hearing Impairment: Coping with Environmental Stressors(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Cohen, MiriAims - To assess the effect of two different environmental stressors, impending tests and the threat of terror bombing attacks, on adolescents with and without hearing impairment and to compare coping strategies and psychological reactions to the stressors between the two groups. Method - Eleven adolescents with hearing impairment and 65 hearing adolescents, aged 13-15, learning at an inclusive school completed the demographic Coping Across Situation Questionnaire, the Test Anxiety Inventory, and a terror-bombing-related stress symptoms questionnaire. Results - Higher levels of test stress and terror-related stress symptoms were found in the adolescents with hearing impairment. They used more avoidant coping and less active coping than the hearing adolescents. Higher use of avoidant coping was related to higher levels of test and terror-related symptoms, internal coping was related to higher test stress only, and active coping was related to lower terror-related symptoms. Conclusions - Identifying and targeting the factors related to developing avoidant coping styles by adolescents with hearing impairment could help them to adopt more efficient coping strategies. Programs should be initiated to teach the adolescents coping strategies, such as problem solving and sharing concerns with significant others, as well as stress management skills.Item Jordan and Disability Rights: A Pioneering Leader in the Arab World(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Rutherford, Kenneth R.This article investigates Jordan’s rationale for assuming a leadership role on the disability rights issue in the Arab World. Tens of millions of people, including over ten percent of Arab families, are impacted and impoverished because of disability. To address this substantial challenge, the Jordan Royal family has leveraged Jordan’s tradition of openness and generosity coupled with one of the best educational systems in the Arab World to promote disability issues. As a result, Jordan is recognized by the international community as leading the Arab World in promoting disability rights. Jordan’s international and regional leadership on disability rights was recognized in 2005 when Jordan received the Franklin Delano Roosevelt International Disability Award.Item Barriers to Education for People with Disabilities in Bekaa, Lebanon(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Wehbi, SamanthaThis paper presents the findings of a recent study on the educational situation of people with disabilities in Lebanon. The main findings of a survey conducted with 200 participants in the impoverished rural Bekaa region illustrate the inadequate educational situation of people with disabilities. The focus of the paper is on a discussion of the barriers that people with disabilities face in pursuing their education. Participants identified the following difficulties in pursuing their education: educational system barriers, inadequate finances, health issues, transportation difficulties, and family pressures. Although the focus of the article is not on factors that can facilitate educational achievement, some of these supports are identified, including family support and personal motivation. The article concludes with a discussion of current and planned community responses such as the development of an interdisciplinary community action network (The Inclusion Network), the provision of literacy courses, and a pilot project to foster the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools.Item The Scale of Attitudes Towards Disabled Persons (SADP): Cross-cultural Validation in a Middle Income Arab Country, Jordan(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Nagata, Kozue KayThe purpose of this pilot study was to assess the level of the existing attitudinal barriers towards disabled persons in four communities of Jordan. Jordan is a middle income Arab country, with a PPP-adjusted GDP/capita of US$ 4320. The study attempted to determine the present level as a baseline of prejudice against people with a disability in Jordan, and to examine the relationship between the randomly selected participants’ attitudes and their previous exposure to and experience with disability. The Scale of Attitudes towards Disabled Persons (SADP) was selected as the instrument. An Arabic translated version of the Scale was used for 191 participants. The respondents showed overall negative attitudes towards disabled persons, as illustrated by previous documented materials. The result of this survey was highly correlated with the collective opinion expressed by the focus group that was conducted by the author in Amman in January, 2005. Thus, the cross-cultural validity of this instrument has been confirmed, and the major findings of this pilot study could inform future policy directions and public awareness raising strategies to foster positive public attitudes.Item Editorial: In Memoriam(University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2007) Brown, Steven E.This is a memoriam written in recognition of Frank Bowe and Rolf Bergfors.