Breakout 05, Panel 01: Digital Literacy

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    Teaching Through the Twitterverse: Using Twitter to Teach Critical Reading in the First Year Writing Classroom Handout
    (Honolulu: 2017 UH First-Year Writing Symposium, 2017-04-08) Christie, Amanda
    The fifth FW Hallmark within the UH system is “to help students read texts and make use of a variety of sources in expressing their own ideas, perspectives, and/or opinions in writing.” I have designed an in-class analysis activity that works to address this Hallmark in terms of guiding students to read short texts more critically and in-depth. It also works to provide students with experience analyzing a type of text that many of them view on a daily basis but may not necessarily critically interrogate or perhaps think of as source material for their own writing: Twitter posts. In my teaching demo, I will demonstrate that posts and information found in the Twittersphere can serve as powerful source material for practicing close reading, critical analysis, and logical argument – all key elements of the fifth FY Hallmark.
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    Aiming Introductory Composition Course Design Towards Transmedial Digital Literacy Presentation
    (Honolulu: 2017 UH First-Year Writing Symposium, 2017-04-08) Yoshinaga, Ida
    This generation of university freshmen--millennial "digital natives" who do not remember what it means to experience life outside of electronic media--is arguably the most writerly and readerly cohort to arise in a long time. One cannot seem to teach a college course without competing with the latest news feed, entertainment blog, live game, retweeted video, or group texts scrolling across students' mobile devices--all reading or writing activities that require new forms of information literacy.  How does one redeploy this multi-medial energy, this higher volume of streamed, clicked-upon, or downloaded information, towards better student research and writing in the introductory composition course?  Based on almost a year of experimentation on two UH system campuses, this paper introduces a themed approach to ENG 100, whereby papers throughout the semester address what it means for students to research, compose, write, criticize, edit, and revise in the twenty-first century, on various information and communication technology (ICT) platforms.  It discusses how to build a common vocabulary of abstract concepts and socio-technological trends from communication studies, to help students critically select, then compose arguments about, various ICT media as information sources, as they self-reflectively explore about digital literacy issues through writing.