Blockchain Engineering

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    Do Not Be Fooled: Toward a Holistic Comparison of Distributed Ledger Technology Designs
    (2020-01-07) Gräbe, Florian; Kannengießer, Niclas; Lins, Sebastian; Sunyaev, Ali
    Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) enables a new way of inter-organizational collaboration via a shared and distributed infrastructure. Meanwhile, there is plenty of DLT designs (e.g., Ethereum, IOTA), which differ in their capabilities to meet use case requirements. A structured comparison of DLT designs is required to support the decision for an appropriate DLT design. However, existing criteria and processes are abstract or not suitable for an in-depth comparison of DLT designs. We select and operationalize DLT characteristics relevant for a comprehensive comparison of DLT designs. Furthermore, we propose a comparison process, which enables the structured comparison of a set of DLT designs according to application requirements. The proposed process is validated with a use case analysis of three use cases. We contribute to research and praxis by introducing ways to operationalize DLT characteristics and generate a process to compare different DLT designs accordingly to their suitability in a use case.
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    Applying Software Quality Criteria to Blockchain Applications: A Criteria Catalog
    (2020-01-07) Precht, Hauke; Wunderlich, Stefan; Marx Gómez, Jorge
    The selection of the suitable blockchain software ecosystem has become very complex, given the growing market. More and more products with different functionality (mainly consensus algorithms and smart contracts) are available on the market. To identify the correct blockchain system for the respective application, a catalog of criteria with a focus on software quality is developed in this work. This catalog supports the selection of the right application and can be individually weighted.
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    Suspicious Transactions in Smart Spaces
    (2020-01-07) Samaniego, Mayra; Espana, Cristian; Deters, Ralph
    IoT systems have enabled ubiquitous communication in physical spaces, making them smart Nowadays, there is an emerging concern about evaluating suspicious transactions in smart spaces. Suspicious transactions might have a logical structure, but they are not correct under the present contextual information of smart spaces. This research reviews suspicious transactions in smart spaces and evaluates the characteristics of blockchain technology to manage them. Additionally, this research presents a blockchain-based system model with the novel idea of iContracts (interactive contracts) to enable contextual evaluation through proof-of-provenance to detect suspicious transactions in smart spaces.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Blockchain Engineering
    (2020-01-07) In, Hoh; Chen, Hong-Mei