RDS Volume 6, No. 2

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    Disability Studies Dissertation Abstracts
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Erlen, Jonathon
    The information for this section of RDS is provided by Jonathon Erlen of the University of Pittsburgh. A full list of disability-related dissertation abstracts may be found at http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/guides/histmed/dissertations/
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    Book Review: An Oral History of the Education of Visually Impaired People: Telling Stories for Inclusive Futures
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Omansky, Beth
    Editor: Sally French Reviewer: Beth Omansky Publisher: Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006 Cloth ISBN-13: 978-0773457065, 484 pages Cost: $129.95 USD
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    Book Review: Dissonant Disabilities: Women with Chronic Illnesses Explore Their Lives
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Basas, Carrie Griffin
    Editors: Diane Driedger & Michelle Owen Reviewer: Carrie Griffin Basas, J.D. Publisher: Toronto: Women’s Press, 2008 Paper ISBN: 978-0-88961-464-2, 258 pages Cost: $36.95 USD http://www.womenspress.ca $28.08 USD http://www.amazon.com
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    Book Review: Reading & Writing Disability Differently: The Textured Life of Embodiment
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) DePoy, Elizabeth
    Author: Tanya Titchkosky Reviewer: Elizabeth DePoy Publisher: University of Toronto, 2007 Paper ISBN: 9780802095060, 192 pages Cost: $24.95 USD
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    Poetry: Nature's Dance
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Hensel, Robert M.
    These are three selected poems by Robert M. Hensel.
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    Pioneering Access for Those with Environmental Sensitivities: An Interview with Susan Molloy
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Sledd, Lauren G.; Suwal, Sahisna; Gibson, Pamela Reed
    Chemical and electrical sensitivities are often invisible disabilities. Those with electrical hypersensitivity experience symptoms that result from exposure to a variety of sources of electromagnetic fields and radiation, including electrical appliances, florescent lights, computers, and cell phones and their towers. Most research has been conducted in the area of chemical sensitivity; persons with chemical sensitivities experience a wide range of negative disabling reactions to common chemicals such as fragrances, pesticides, paints, cleaners, and exhaust fumes. Recent findings indicate that chemical sensitivity is found world-wide and crosses lines of gender, race, and age. Susan Molloy has been advocating for persons with environmental sensitivities since 1983. In this interview, Lauren Sledd put questions to Molloy to illuminate the history of her pioneering advocacy.
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    Poetry Talks Back to Psychiatry: Poetic Retellings of Psychiatric Experience in Venezuela
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Llorens, Manuel
    The following paper explores three Venezuelan contemporary poets who wrote about their psychiatric experiences. Through their poems they “talk back” to a psychiatric language that medicalized their suffering and stripped their experiences of meaning. The parallels between their writings and psychiatric survivor literature are considered.
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    Authentic Inclusion: A Celebration of Exceptional Teachers and Student Identity A Phenomenological Self-Study
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Hauk, Amanda
    This phenomenological study examines the professional struggles of teachers with disabilities, the influence these teachers have on the identity formation of students with disabilities, as well as their effect on regular education students. When allowed to celebrate their differences, teachers with disabilities cultivate disability pride. Disability culture then flourishes while diversity is honored in an authentic, inclusive school setting.
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    Student and Faculty Awareness and Attitudes about Students with Disabilities
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010) Bruder, Mary Beth; Mogro-Wilson, Cristina
    Every year an increasing number of students with disabilities are graduating from high school and entering into postsecondary education. In an effort to assess the university climate for students with disabilities a survey was conducted on a large Northeastern campus. The survey focused on the attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge of university students and faculty on disability-related issues. Results are presented from undergraduate, graduate, and faculty perspectives. Most students and faculty report positive attitudes and interactions with students with disabilities, however these interactions are often limited and awkward. Disability issues are not often presented in the classroom content and the majority of faculty do not announce the availably of accommodations in the classroom. Implications for postsecondary institutions are explored.
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    Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal Volume 6 Issue 2
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa -- Center on Disability Studies, 2010)