Pacific Science Volume 33, Number 2, 1979

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Pacific Science is a quarterly publication devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region.


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    Mineralogy of Deep-Sea Sediments Along the Murray Fracture Zone
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Fan, Pow-Foong
    Semiquantitative X-ray diffraction mineralogical studies show that deep-sea brown clays from 23 cores and a long core from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 39 along the Murray Fracture Zone and in the vicinity of Necker ridge consist of the minerals quartz, plagioclase, mica, chlorite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, phillipsite, and goethite, and minor amounts of dolomite, aragonite, calcite, barite, and augite. According to mineral assemblages, five suites are recognized-eolian, detrital, authigenic, biogenic, and hydrothermal.
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    The Rainbow Skink, Lampropholis delicata, in Hawaii
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Baker, James K.
    The rainbow skink, Lampropholis delicata, arrived in Hawaii as an accidental import from Australia sometime about 1900, but its true identity went unknown until recently. Previously, L. delicata in Hawaii had been identified as Lipinia noctua, Leiolopisma hawaiiensis, and Lygosoma metallicum (the latter apparently does not occur in Hawaii). Lampropholis delicata establishes high-altitude records for reptiles in Hawaii at 1130 and 1220 m elevation on the islands of Hawaii and Kauai, respectively. Variations in body size and numbers of eggs produced in populations on Hawaii, Kauai, and Oahu suggest that competition for space and food may be lowering reproductive capacity, and inhibiting growth in the relatively dense populations on Oahu.
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    Cyclopoid Copepods (Lichomolgidae) Associated with the Scleractinian Cyphastrea in New Caledonia
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Humes, Arthur G.
    Diallagomolgus n. gen., from hard corals of the genus Cyphastrea in intertidal pools in New Caledonia, is characterized by the third segment of the second antenna being longer than the fourth segment, the mandible bearing a triangular proximally directed toothlike process on its base, and the second maxilla having an extremely abbreviated lash. Two new species of Diallagomolgus are described, Diallagomolgus productus from Cyphastrea chalcidicum and Cyphastrea gardineri and Diallagomolgus vicinus from Cyphastrea chalcidicum. A key to genera of Lichomolgidae with only one terminal element on two-segmented endopod of leg 4 is provided.
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    Some Aspects of the Biology and Functional Morphology of Trapezium (Neotrapezium) sublaevigatum (Lamarck) (Bivalvia: Arcticacea)
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Morton, Brian
    Trapezium sublaevigatum is a widely distributed nestler in rocky intertidal and sublittoral crevices in Hong Kong. It occurs on a range of beach types and in waters of different salinity; it is byssally attached and weakly heteromyarian in form. The quadrangular shell is often distorted. The basic structure of the shell and the morphology of the organs of the mantle cavity, visceral mass, and pericardium are broadly similar to a wide range of veneroid relatives. However, the species is weakly heteromyarian, which results from the assumption of the byssally attached, epifaunal mode of life. There is thus a reduction of the anterior face of the shell and an enlargement of the posterior face with corresponding modifications to the shell (notably hinge teeth and ligament) and to musculature. Similar, convergent adaptations are seen in members of the veneroid superfamilies Carditacea, Gaimardiacea, and Dreissenacea, with which Trapezium can be compared. Further study of other members of the (isomyarian) Arcticacea might help to establish how the heteromyarian form arose in Trapezium.
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    Rhizophora in the Society Islands
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Taylor, F.J.
    Rhizophora stylosa Griff. is recorded from Moorea and Bora Bora in the Society Islands. Earlier records from the Society Islands of R. mangle L. by Forster (1786) and R. mucronata Lam. by Gray (1854) are probably the result of mislabeling, and there is no evidence that the present stands of Rhizophora are not recent introductions.
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    Novelties in the Genus Pelea (Rutaceae). Hawaiian Plant Studies 50
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) St. John, Harold
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    Some Aspects of Reproduction of Mokihana (Pelea anisata Mann) in the Forests of Koke'e
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Floyd, Mary E.
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    Phenolic Chemotaxonomy of the Genus Pelea A. Gray (Rutaceae)
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Floyd, Mary E.
    The thin-layer chromatographic fingerprints of ether-soluble compounds, mostly phenolics, from methanolic extracts of nine species of the genus Pelea A. Gray are shown to be of potential use in chemotaxonomic classification of this genus. The phenolic compounds of Pelea anisata Mann are consistent between populations, and each of the eight other species tested have fingerprints that are unique.
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    A New Species and New Section of the Genus Freycinetia (Pandanaceae) from New Caledonia
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1978-04) Stone, Benjamin C.
    Freycinetia hydra sp. nov. is described from several collections made in New Caledonia in recent years; it represents a new species. Because of its mainly lateral inflorescences and polystigmatic berries with slightly separated carpel tips, it is unique and represents a new Section of the genus Freycinetia. Morphology, anatomy (of the leaf), and distribution of the new species are discussed.
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    Diatom Distribution and Mercury Levels in Two Hawaiian Intertidal Marine Beaches
    (University of Hawaii Press, 1979-04) Saboski, Eleanor M.
    In order to study the ecology of diatoms in Hawaiian beaches, field studies were conducted on two distinctly different marine beaches. One (Kalapana Beach, Island of Hawaii) is composed mostly of black basaltic sand of volcanic origin, and the other (Kahala Beach, Island of Oahu) is mainly biogenic calcium carbonate. A 3-month, baseline field study was conducted during which time mercury levels and numbers of viable diatoms were determined for each sampled intertidal position. When comparable intertidal positions were analyzed between beaches, cell numbers at Kahala were up to 3360-fold higher than those at Kalapana, but mercury values at Kalapana were up to 14-fold higher than those at Kahala. When mercury values were compared to numbers of diatoms, a positive correlation (+0.49) was found for the Kahala data, while a negative correlation (-0.57) was found for the Kalapana data. Mercury values at Kalapana reached reported toxic levels. This may be a factor in reducing the numbers ofdiatoms in the Kalapana Beach.
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