Digital and Social Media in Enterprise

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    Technostress and Multiple Organizational Social Media – Investigating Negative and Positive Stressors and Strains from a Person-Technology-Fit Perspective
    ( 2021-01-05) Högberg, Karin
    Multiple organizational social media (MOSM) foster new ways of communication, interaction and new encounters for organizations that can cause stress. Earlier research on social media and technostress have focused on negative stressors, hence there is a lack of studies focusing on both positive and negative stressors deriving from social media. In this study, both negative and positive stressors and strains deriving from using MOSM are studied in an international hotel chain with employees in eight European countries over a period of seven years. The results indicate that techno stressors such as work overload, work-life conflict, and changing algorithms creates negative stressors. However, positive stressors such as the ability to create new ways of providing service was also found. The study makes a theoretical contribution to technostress research in the Information Systems research field by uncovering both positive and negative stressors and strains created over time as well as suggests a development of the Person-Technology fit model.
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    Forming the Strategy for Live Streaming e-Commerce: An Action Research
    ( 2021-01-05) Wu, Cheng-Chieh ; Chen, Chao-Jung ; Chiang, Tai-Wei
    With the emergence of social media, live streaming change the way of conducting e-business. We focus on investigating the relationship between live-streaming format and its impacts on viewing behavior. Through a participatory action research, this study based on AISAS model to develop the live streaming effectiveness framework. Within two-stage process, research team determined the indicators and real data (i.e., 128 live streams data in 30 days) was collected to examine the performance. The findings confirms celebrity effects and found the existence of lurker situation. The paradox of program design and the cost and benefits is also discussed. Our findings can provide practical suggestions and shed lights for further research on live streaming e-Commerce.
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    Ambidextrous Learning and Survival of Early International Firms-The Role of Social Media Usage
    ( 2021-01-05) Appiah, Emmanuel
    Prior studies show the importance of social media in facilitating both exploitative learning and exploratory learning. The central concern is how the usage of social media influences the blend of both exploitative learning and exploratory learning – known as ambidextrous learning – and the survival of early internationalizing firms. The theoretical discussion in this paper centres on international entrepreneurship, social media usage, and ambidexterity literature. We developed a conceptual model that explains the underlying mechanisms through which social media drives ambidextrous learning and survival. Collectively, these discussions are important to the advancement of knowledge on capability and survival studies in international entrepreneurship.
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    Affording Employee Voice: How Enterprise Social Networking Sites (ESNS) Create New Pathways for Employee Expression
    ( 2021-01-05) Estell, Pam ; Davidson, Elizabeth ; Abhari, Kaveh
    As organizations seek to find new ways to engage employees and increase workplace participation, many have turned to Enterprise Social Networking Sites (ESNS) as a tool to foster dialogue and participation. Seeking to capitalize on social technologies that have enjoyed a warm reception in the personal lives of many citizens, organizations hope to harness the accessibility and immediacy of these platforms to encourage tasks such as knowledge management, training, and direct communication. Many employees, accustomed to using social media tools outside of work, are also leveraging these channels to express their voice within organizations. In this paper, we develop the concept of ESNS voicing affordances that enable employees to individually and directly express their voice within their organizations. Drawing from a detailed review of relevant literature on employee voice and social media affordances, we follow a systematic scale development process to establish an instrument for the construct of voicing affordances through ESNS.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Social Media in Enterprise
    ( 2021-01-05) Gonzalez, Ester ; Deng, Xuefei ; Wang, Tawei