Hawaiʻi Review, 2011

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    Hawai'i Review, Number 74
    (Honolulu, University of Hawaii, 2011) University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
    Editor-in Chief: Colleps, Donovan. Assistant Editor: Callahan, Jane. Poetry Editor: Gusman, Jaimie. Copy Editors: Kanai, Maria and Inouye, Kelsey. 2011 Ian MacMillan Award Winners for Fiction: Ariyoshi, Rita - "Oh, Bull." McMahon, Tyler - "Feel This." Santos Perez, Craig - "Noland." 2011 Ian MacMillan Award Winners for Poetry: Thiel, Mark - "Two Poems for Nu'uanu Valley." Molotkov, A. - "Being." Santos Perez, Craig - "Shoplifting Vienna Sausage." Poetry: Wakleing, Corey - "In Reply to Another Lion's Den," "Town of Carpentry," "Horror Not Given To," "The Handshakes," "Considering the Use of Ellipses Like Dad or Celine But Think Better of It," "This Blue Morning," "The Broken Ferris," and "The Sphinx's Missing Nose." Winters, Roberta - "Preservatives." Crabtree, Jamison - "this crown weaved of shrapnel that we call the moon," "Lament for Gort," and "Lament for the Body Snatchers." Dhar, Nandini - "Bildungsroman." Ionata, Kathryn Elisa - "Breakdown." Kincaid, Joan - "Stimulus II" and "Blue Invasions II." Lifshin, Lyn - "Mint Leaves at Yaddo" and "Taking My Mother to the Bathroom." Silverman, Jay Stuart - "Nustile." Ott, Martin - "Dictator." Brittingham, Madison Caine - "Three Nudes." Fiction: Brin, Janelle - "The Problem with Genre." Tuite, Meg - "Holiday Inn in the Holidome." Graziano, Nathan - "The Wild Men." Rao, Elahzar - "Coming of a Stranger." Contributors.