Pacific Science Volume 23, Number 3, 1969
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Pacific Science is a quarterly publication devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region.
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Item Notes. Two Sea Urchins Found inside the Air Bladder of the Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana)(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Nishimoto, JiroWhile I was a scientific observer for the United States aboard a Japanese fishing vessel in the North Pacific Ocean, I observed two sea urchins living within the cavity of the air bladder of the bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana (Mertens). The sea urchins were identified as Allocentrotus fragilis (Jackson) by David Pawson of the Smithsonian Institution (personal communication). The kelp was taken in an otter trawl of the Japanese factory ship stern trawler "Takachiho Maru" on April 23, 1965, off Fox Islands in the Aleutians (53°26'N, 166°01'W). I witnessed the discovery of the urchins when a worker cut into the air bladder after picking the kelp from the landing bin. The kelp was intact, and the urchins were dark red and glistened with moisture. No sea water was in the bladder. I acquired the kelp with the urchins still inside and examined the bulb for openings other than the cut made by the worker. No other openings were visible, although some of the top of the kelp bulb broke after the initial cut was made (Fig. 1). The cavity of the bulb did not extend into the stipe, and the opening made by the worker had to be enlarged to remove the urchins.Item Notes. Batillipes gilmartini, a New Marine Tardigrade from a California Beach(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) McGinty, MaxineTwo SPECIES of marine tardigrades have been reported from the Pacific coast of North America. Schuster and Grigarick (1965) studied Echiniscoides sigismundi Schultze, 1865, from algae and barnacles. This species is thought to occur along much of the west coast. Styraconyx sargassi Thulin, 1942, was reported as Bathyechiniscus tetronyx Steiner, 1926, from washings of Dictyota sp. by Mathews (1938). Although marine tardigrades are often found in association with algae and a variety of animals, they are most abundant in the interstitial spaces of sandy beaches. The apparently rich interstitial fauna of the west coast has not as yet been investigated.Item Studies of Pacific Island Plants, XXI. New and Noteworthy Flowering Plants from Fiji(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Smith, Albert C.Continuing study of botanical collections made in recent years under the auspices of the Fiji Department of Agriculture has indicated the occurrence of various hitherto undescribed species of flowering plants in Fiji. In this paper seven species are described as new, in the genera Dysoxylum (Meliaceae), Melochia and Sterculia (Sterculiaceae), Astronidium (Melastomataceae), and Calycosia, Mastixiodendron, and Sukunia (Rubiaceae). In the last of these families the monotypic genus Hedstromia is also discussed. The opportunity is also taken to propose five required new combinations in the genus Neuburgia (Loganiaceae).Item Studies of Pacific Island Plants, XX Notes on Some Fijian Species of Readea and Psychotria (Rubiaceae)(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Smith, Albert C.In recent years collections made by staff members of the Fiji Department of Agriculture have substantially added to the available study material of Fijian plants, permitting more adequate knowledge of many species and the recognition of others as new to science. Study of the Rubiaceae of these collections has made desirable the publication of notes to clarify certain complexes within the genus Psychotria. During the course of this work the related genus Readea was also reviewed. In the present paper four species of Psychotria are described as new, and hitherto unpublished combinations are proposed for three others.Item Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 34 Four Species from the Philippines(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) St. John, HaroldThe genus Pandanus has been much investigated by the botanists resident in the Philippines, but a few novelties have come to light. The author's studies of this large and intricate genus have been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation.Item Hawaiian Novelties in the Genus Solanum (Solanaceae) Hawaiian Plant Studies 30(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) St. John, HaroldSolanum is an enormous genus, and it is represented in the Hawaiian flora by endemic, adventive, and cultivated species. Below are presented descriptions of two new endemic species.Item Ustilaginales of Hawaii(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Makinen, YrjoItem Growth and Size Distribution of the Brachiopod Terebratalia transversa Sowerby(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Paine, Robert T.Relatively synchronized samplings of man-made structures of known but varying ages have been used to generate a growth curve for Terebratalia. Modes indicative of the first four or five year classes were recognized, and seem internally consistent with each other. Older year classes were indistinguishable. In the vicinity of Seattle, Washington, this species probably does not survive more than nine to ten years. Growth lines, though conspicuous shell features, are not related to age.Item Association between the Echinoid Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) and the Clingfish Dellichthys morelandi Briggs(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Dix, Trevor G.The echinoid Evechinuls chloroticus (Val.) provides shelter and food for the clingfish Dellichthys morelandi Briggs. The latter appears to be attracted to the echinoid by visual recognition.Item Feeding Behavior of a Vertically Migrating Lanternfish(University of Hawai'i Press, 1969-07) Holton, Arthur A.Selective fishing of the deep scattering layer, defined by echosounder recordings, with an automatic opening and closing trawl has helped to define the diurnal vertical migration and feeding behavior of Lampanyctus mexicanus, a lanternfish of the family Myctophidae. The feeding behavior, expressed as a per cent nutrition, is thought to be affected by food available at the surface and by the decrease of oxygen content of the water at the deepest range of the vertical migration of the fish.