Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration

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    A Research Model for the Economic Assessment of Inner Source Software Development
    ( 2023-01-03) Buchner, Stefan ; Riehle, Dirk
    Inner source is the use of open-source practices within companies. It enables more efficient software development, shortens time-to-market, and lowers costs through increased company-internal collaboration. While existing studies examine social and organizational impact factors on inner source adoption, only a few have looked at measuring and economically assessing inner source. This article presents an overview of current research regarding inner source, its measurement, economic assessment, and impact on businesses and their processes. Based on a systematic literature review we build a research model for economic inner source assessment. This research model shows thematic dependencies between the economic impact of inner source and its measurement. Additionally, it proposes research questions and hypotheses on measuring, economically assessing, and subsequently adopting inner source.
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    Why collaborate? Factors Influencing in Crowdsourcing Ecosystems
    ( 2023-01-03) Qutab, Saima ; Myers, Michael ; Gardner, Lesley
    Many organisations embrace crowdsourcing to enhance innovation, problem-solving and value creation. While crowdsourcing in the past has been limited to just one organisation, crowdsourcing can be enhanced through collaborative practices that include sharing resources and value exchange in a 'crowdsourcing ecosystem'. However, the factors that influence the emergence of a crowdsourcing ecosystem are not yet well understood. To better understand these factors, our paper focuses on the emergence phase of crowdsourcing ecosystems. We conducted a case study of not-for-profit sector collaborative crowdsourcing projects to identify the internal and external influencing factors. We identify four major categories – preparedness, challenges, scope, and risks, along with 23 sub-categories. We believe our findings might be helpful for scholars and practitioners regarding the effective design of collaborative initiatives for crowdsourcing.
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    Fostering PsychologicalSafety in GlobalVirtual Teams: The Role of Reminder Nudges and Team-based Interventions
    ( 2023-01-03) Fleischmann, Carolin ; Seeber, Isabella ; Cardon, Peter ; Aritz, Jolanta
    Psychological safety, the feeling of being comfortable to express one’s ideas or opinions in teams, is a key determinant of successful global virtual teams. Even though there exists considerable knowledge about its antecedents, it is unknown how team-based (e.g., clarification of deliverables and deadlines) and technology-based (e.g., digital reminder nudges/ DRN) interventions foster psychological safety given cultural variations of team members. Based on a survey involving 148 participants, our data shows that both team-based interventions (TBI) and digital nudges foster psychological safety in global virtual teams. TBI are even more effective for high-context, indirect communicators than for low-context, direct communicators. However, digital nudges were equally effective across cultures for building psychological safety. These findings contribute to the literature on psychological safety as we show that not all antecedents hold equally across cultures and to the literature of digital nudges as we show the effectiveness of technology-based interventions in a team context.