Turf Management, 1998 - present

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    (University of Hawaii, 2008-03) Brosnan, J.T.; Deputy, J.
    Determining when, how much, and with what equipment irrigation should be applied to turfgrasses is discussed.
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    Watering Lawns
    (University of Hawaii, 1999-05) Hensley, David; Deputy, James; Tavares, James
    Optimizing soil pH and nutrient levels are the primary objectives of soil management for turf areas. The various inorganic and organic nitrogen sources are described.
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    Turf Fertilizers for Hawaii's Landscapes
    (University of Hawaii, 2000-10) Deputy, Jay
    This cultivar is a widely adaptable, low-maintenance groundcover for erosion control in orchards, waterways, roadsides, and other erosion-prone areas.
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    Tropic Lalo' Paspalum for Soil Erosion Control
    (University of Hawaii, 1999-09) Joy, Robert J.; Rotar, Peter P.
    This turfgrass is a naturally occuring hybrid that was one of the first "improved" bermudagrass types for high-quality home and commercial lawns. Its establishment and maintenance are described.
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    Sunturf' Bermudagrass
    (University of Hawaii, 1998-01) Hensley, David
    This turfgrass is favored for low-use areas, and is common in home lawns. Cultivars, establishment, and maintenance are described.
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    St. Augustinegrass
    (University of Hawaii, 2008-02) Brosnan, J.T.; Deputy, J.
    Seashore paspalum is adapted to coastal areas in Hawaii and displays a wide range of tolerances. Cultivars, establishment, and maintenance are described.
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    Seashore Paspalum
    (University of Hawaii, 2008-02) Brosnan, J.T.; Deputy, J.
    Often called "nutgrass" in Hawaii, this weed is common in turf and ornamental plantings. Cultural and chemical controls are described.
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    Managing Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
    (University of Hawaii, 2007-12) Brosnan, J.T.; Deputy, J.
    Bermudagrass is the most commonly used turfgrass on athletic fields in Hawaii. Maintenance in these high-use situation is described, along with potential weed, insect, and plant disease problems.
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    Dogs and Lawns
    (University of Hawaii, 2000-02) Hensley, David; LeaMaster, Brad
    Dogs and high-quality lawns often do not mix. This publication details the sources of turf damage caused by dogs and the approaches to correcting and preventing them.
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    Common Lawn Grasses for Hawaii
    (University of Hawaii, 2009-03) Deputy, Jay
    A table compares appearance, desirable and undesirable characteristics, and some use and management aspects of numerous turf species and cultivars for Hawaii's conditions.