
Recent Submissions

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    Bibliography of Selected Juvenile Justice Resources
    (1996) Davis, Jean J.; Szymczak, Victoria J.; Magun, Brett I.
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    Selected Insolvency and Bankruptcy Resources
    (1997) Davis, Jean J.; Szymczak, Victoria J.
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    Perspectives on Teaching Foreign and International Legal Research
    (2001) Davis, Jean J.; Szymczak, Victoria J.; Topulos, Katherine; Weigmann, Stefanie
    This article discusses various models for teaching international and foreign legal research. In some law schools, international and foreign legal research is a semester-long course. In other law schools, international and foreign legal research is a component of an advanced legal research seminar or an international law course. Stefanie Weigmann presents an overview of teaching international legal research and describes her experience teaching in various formats. Katherine Topulos outlines some of the resources that are helpful for those who want to begin teaching foreign and international legal research. Jean Davis and Victoria Szymczak discuss teaching techniques and class activities for a semester-long course.