Nelson, Camille (Dean)

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Recent Submissions

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    Over and under-Policing: Thoughts on Remedying Shooter Bias
    (Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2017) Camille A. Nelson
    Using the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke as the starting point, this article seeks to address the common articulation of fear by police officers in the wake of such fatalities.
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    Disability Advocacy: Strategizing a Comprehensive and Contextual Path Forward
    (Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2015) Camille A. Nelson
    This article seeks to recover the use of constitutional law to advance the umbrella of disability rights, utilizing the Disability Constitutonal Law as the foundation.
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    Crime, Surveillance, and Communities
    (Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2014) Camille A. Nelson
    This article assess how technology might be used to assist and address interactions between police and community members, especially interracial interactions.
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    Help in Deconstructing the Zimmerman Acquittal: The Suspicion Heuristic
    (Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2013) Camille A. Nelson
    In the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, the article argues for American Jurisprudence to understand racial discrimination to explain why a person would kill another due to racial stereotypes.
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    Is Critical Citizenship Critical?
    (Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2012) Camille A. Nelson
    Critical citizenship should deal with questions of social justice or social transformation and how institutions commit to these values. The article argues that critical citizenship will not just be based on market-driven education models, but education that embraces qualitative societal enhancement.
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    Lovin' the Man: Examining the Legal Nexus of Irony, Hypocrisy, and Curiosity
    (Wisconsin Law Review, 2007) Camille A. Nelson
    This essay explores autobiography and historical precedent the communication dynamics of interracial couples and whether those dynamics are the product of an externally constructed racial dynamic.
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    Lessons from an Intersecting Trilogy
    (Iowa Law Review, 2008) Camille A. Nelson
    This Article will explore the case of Snyder v. Louisiana17 as an example of the low threshold established by some jurisdictions that apply the Batson test. By allowing for pretext, inconsistent excuses, and flimsy explanations from prosecutors, many courts have essentially inoculated prosecutors from the rigorous potential of the Batson decision.
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    Racial Paradox and Eclipse: Obama as a Balm for What Ails Us
    (Denver University Law Review, 2009) Camille A. Nelson
    This essay will explore some of the disordered permutations of race, specifically racial construction and deconstruction, as publicly demonstrated through Obamania.