Enterprise System Integration: Issues and Answers: Impacts, Evolution and Innovations in Integrated Systems for the Enterprise

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    Factors Behind The Assimilation Of Enterprise Resourse Planning (ERP) Software In Mid-Sized And Large Firms in Pre-Emerging Economies: A Case Of Ghana
    ( 2019-01-08) Gardiner, Mercy ; Andoh-Baidoo, Francis Kofi
    The extant literature explored the reasons why many firms do not make a successful transition from adoption to assimilation of their ERP software. However, there are gaps in the understanding of the psychological and decision-making mechanisms which compel individuals in organizations to be bias or prefer to remain in their current situation. In addition, most of the prior studies focused on large firms in developed nations. This study presents a theoretical model that explains the assimilation of ERP software by integrating the tall poppy syndrome, switching costs, and loss aversion literatures through the lens of the status quo bias theory. We tested the model using data gathered from mid-size firms in Ghana, a pre- emerging economy. Our findings offer practical and theoretical implications.
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    Enterprise Job Roles and Resistance to ERP Use: Actual Usage as an Antecedent to ERP Resistance
    ( 2019-01-08) Schmidt, Pamela ; Freeze, Ronald
    Resistance to system usage continues to be a research area needed to improve the ROI of organizational investments in information technology. Prior research on technology adoption has called for more sophisticated conceptualizations of systems usage that focus on specific research contexts. This team-based experiment used a realistic business simulation to investigate use of an integrated ERP system, focusing on IS Resistance as a barrier to use. The understanding of IS Resistance is further enhanced by the inclusion of a new factor, Task Interdependency on the ERP system and by analyzing individual’s specific roles and transactions within the ERP-supported process. The roles supporting integrated business processes consisted of two upstream roles (Inventory Specialist, Purchasing Agent) and two downstream roles (Marketing Coordinator, Sales Manager). Findings show task interdependency on ERP and ERP job role assignments are significant predictors of IS resistance, over and above effects of prior IS resistance and UTAUT attitude.
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    Shifting to the Cloud – How SAP’s Partners Cope with the Change
    ( 2019-01-08) Schreieck, Maximilian ; Wiesche, Manuel ; Kude, Thomas ; Krcmar, Helmut
    With the advance of cloud technology, enterprise software vendors have introduced software platforms to facilitate third-party contributions to their ecosys-tems. This shift towards cloud-based software plat-forms affects ecosystem partners who have to adopt the new technologies, rethink their business model, and change their sales strategies. To understand how partners cope with this change, we conducted an ex-ploratory case study within SAP’s partner ecosystem after the introduction of a cloud-based software plat-form. By conducting 14 interviews within SAP and 10 partner companies, we identify three distinct coping strategies that partners adopt in the face of the shift to the cloud. Partners either (1) embrace, (2) slow down, or (3) repurpose the change. SAP in turn engages in mediation actions to increase the adoption of its plat-form and to alleviate possible negative impacts of the coping strategies. These mediation actions contribute to a continuous adjustment of SAP platform strategy. These findings contribute to literature on platform ecosystems by (1) highlighting that partners react differently to change in the ecosystem and by (2) shedding light on the interactions between platform owner and partners in the development of a platform strategy.
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