Hawaii Natural Energy Institute Proceedings
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Item The utilization of volcano energy : the proceedings of a United States-Japan cooperative science seminar held at Hilo, Hawaii, February 4-8, 1974(Sandia National Laboratories, 1975) United States-Japan Cooperative Science Seminar on Utilization of Volcano EnergySummary papers presented at geothermal workshop in Hilo, 1974.Item The Hawaiian Scientific Observation Hole Program Preliminary Results and Status Report: 1991 Presentation(Auckland University, 1991) Olson, Harry J.; Deymonaz, John E.Summary of results from SOH drilling program.Item Environmental concerns and permitting conditions of the Hawaiian Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) Program(Auckland University, 1992) Olson, Harry J.; Deymonaz, John E.Summary paper of environmental issues associated with the Scientific Observation Hole drilling program in Puna.Item Deep, slim hole, Diamond core drilling program proves effective for geothermal assessment in Hawaii(Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1993) Olson, Harry J.; Deymonaz, John E.The Hawaii State legislature, in 1988, funded a deep, slim-hole, diamond core drilling program, known as the Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program, "to stimulate geothermal development and confirm the geothermal resources of Hawaii." This program was designed by the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to assess the geothermal resources of the Kilauea East Rift Zone (KERZ) on the Big Island of Hawaii. The program is funded by the Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism and managed by HNEI. To assess the geothermal potential of the KERZ, a fence of four holes, three of which were drilled, were sited along the long axis of the KERZ within existing Geothermal Resource Subzones. These holes were located to provide stepout drill coverage between existing and planned geothermal production wells, and to pair the SOHs with production wells to test for permeability across the rift zone. Successful drilling techniques and casing procedures were devised as the rock section became known and its characteristics noted. Above 1300 C (270o p) a complex stearate was added to the drilling fluids to maintain lubricity. Above 1650 C (330o F) a mixture of soda ash, high temperature polymer, complex stearate, and sepiolite virtually eliminated high torque and vibration problems frequently associated with high temperature drilling. The core and other data from the SOHs have proven to be extremely valuable for both active developers in siting production wells, and in the understanding of the subsurface geologic conditions. The first hole drilled, SOH-4, provided thermal and permeability conditions along the eastern portion of the True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture's lease, and was instrumental in the proposed location of True's #2 site. SOH-4 was drilled to a total depth of 2,000.1 meters (66562 feet) and recorded bottom hole temperatures of 306.1oC (583 F) at a depth of 1,950.7 meters (6,400 feet). The second hole, SOH-1, effectively defined the northern extent of the Puna Geothermal Venture's (PGV) HGP-A/PGV reservoir, doubled the proven reservoir size, and provided sufficient data to the lending institution for continued project funding. SOH-1 was drilled to a total depth of 1,684.3 meters ~5,526 feet) and recorded a bottom hole temperature of 206.1 C (403 0 F). The third hole, SOH-2, was drilled on a PGV lease to a total depth of 2,073.2 meters (6,802 feet), recorded a bottom hole temperature of 350.6oC (663 0 F), and may have intersected a potential reservoir at a depth of approximately 1,490 meters (4,900 feet).Item The Hawaii Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) Program : summary of activities(Geothermal Resources Council, 1992) Olson, Harry J.; Deymonaz, John E.The Hawaii Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program was planned, funded, and initiated in 1988 by the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, an institute within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Initial funding for the SOH program was $3.25 million supplied by the State of Hawaii to drill six, 4,000 foot scientific observation holes on Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii to confirm and stimulate geothermal resource development in Hawaii. After a lengthy permitting process, three SOHs, totaling 18,890 feet of mostly core drilling were finally drilled along the Kilauea East Rift Zone (KERZ) in the Puna district on the Big Island. The SOH program was highly successful in meeting the highly restrictive permitting conditions imposed on the program, and in developing slim hole drilling techniques, establishing subsurface geological conditions, and initiating an assessment and characterization of the geothermal resources potential of Hawaii - even though permitting specifically prohibited pumping or flowing the holes to obtain data of subsurface fluid conditions. The first hole, SOH-4, reached a depth of 2,000 meters, recorded a bottom hole temperature of 306.1°C, and established subsurface thermal continuity along the KERZ between the HGP-A and the True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture wells. Although evidence of fossil reservoir conditions were encountered, no zones with obvious reservoir potential were found. The second hole SOH-1, was drilled to a depth of 1,684 meters, recorded a bottom hole temperature of 206.1°C, effectively doubled the size of the Hawaii Geothermal Project-Abbott/Puna Geothermal Venture (HGP-A/PGV) proven/probable reservoir, and defined the northern limit of the HGP-A/PGV reservoir. The final hole, SOH-2, was drilled to a depth of 2,073 meters, recorded a bottom hole temperature of 350.5°C, and has sufficient indicated permeability to be designated as a potential "discovery".Item The Hawaiian Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) Program : costs and history of a successful slim hole drilling program(Geothermal Resources Council, 1993) Olson, Harry J.; Deymonaz, John E.To assess the geothermal potential of the KERZ, a fence of four holes, three of which were drilled, were sited along the long axis of the KERZ within existing Geothermal Resource Subzones. These holes were drilled by a Universal 5000 core/rotary drilling rig, and were located to provide stepout drill coverage between existing and planned geothermal production wells, and to pair the SOHs with production wells to test for permeability across the rift zone. Successful drilling techniques and casing procedures were devised as the rock section became known and its characteristics noted. Above 270°F a complex stearate was added to the drilling fluids to maintain lubricity. Above 330°F a mixture of soda ash, high temperature polymer, complex stearate, and sepiolite virtually eliminated the high torque and vibration problems frequently associated with high temperature drilling. The core and other data from the SOHs have proven to be extremely valuable for both active developers in siting production wells, and in the understanding of the subsurface geologic conditions. The first hole drilled, SOH-4 provided thermal and permeability conditions along the eastern portion of the True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture’s lease, and was instrumental in the proposed location of True’s #2 site. SOH-4 was drilled to a total depth of 6,562 feet in 151 days at a direct drilling and testing cost of $1,466,848, and recorded a temperature of 583°F at a depth of 6,400 feet. The second hole, SOH-1, effectively defined the northern extent of the Puna Geothermal Venture’s (PGV) HGP-A/PGV reservoir, doubled the proven reservoir size, and provided sufficient data to the lending institution for continued project funding. SOH-1 was drilled on a PGV lease to a total depth of 5,526 feet in 217 days, which included 6-1/4 days standby waiting on administrative permits, at a direct drilling and testing cost of $1,643,544, and recorded a bottom hole temperature of 403°F. The third hole, SOH-2, also was drilled on a PGV lease to a total depth of 6,802 feet in 126 days at a direct drilling and testing cost of $1,106,684, recorded a bottom hole temperature of 662°F, and may have intersected a potential reservoir at a depth of approximately 4,900 feet.Item Summary geological report and index log of the Scientific Observation Hole #2 on the Kilauea East Rift Zone, Hawaii(Geothermal Resources Council, 1992) Evans, S. ReneThe Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program is a multifaceted core drilling project. The overall project goals are to provide data for volcanic research, to aid in evaluating the commercial geothermal potential along the east rift zone (ERZ) of Kilauea volcano, and to utilize the sites for long-term monitoring. The volcanic and stratigraphic sequence penetrated by SOH-2 is dominated by subaerial and submarine basaltic lava flows. Thin tephra units and rare carbonate sediments interbed with the flows. Basaltic and diabase intrusive bodies cut through these formations. Olivine and plagioclase are the common phenocrysts in the basalts. The diabase may constitute an important stratigraphic marker horizon that can help to tie SOH-2 to future drilled sections along the lower east rift zone (LERZ). The transition from subaerial to submarine formations is within the interval of 1669-1909 feet, suggesting 1387-1627 feet of subsidence. Argillic alteration grades into propylitic alteration with increasing depth. Secondary minerals occur as fracture fillings, amygdules, and replacements after glass and primary groundmass minerals, and mainly include smectite clays, zeolites, analcime, secondary feldspars, sulfides, and a variety of silica minerals. Epidote occurs below 5900 feet. Below 4800 feet the hole permeated an interval with a geothermal gradient on the order of 13.7 degrees F/100 feet. A maximum temperature of 661 degrees F was encountered at 6782 feet.Item The Hawaii Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) Program(Geothermal Resources Council, 1990) Olson, Harry J.; Seki, Arthur S.; Deymonaz, John E.; Thomas, Donald M.The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute of the University of Hawaii is directing a Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program. The SOHs are for scientific observation and monitoring purposes only. The holes will not be flow-tested or produced. The information to be gained from the SOHs will provide an assessment of subsurface geological conditions, ground water level and composition, temperature, drilling conditions, an inventory of possible mineral and geothermal resources, and an eruptive history of the island to the depth drilled. The SOHs, in combination with existing geothermal wells or future geothermal wells to be drilled by producers, can be instrumented to provide data relating to reservoir productivity, and to monitor changes in ground water conditions and volcanic activity.Item Hawaiian program for the confirmation and stimulation of geothermal resources development(Geothermal Resources Council, 1988) Olson, Harry J.The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute of the University of Hawaii at Manoa has planned and is currently implementing a program designed to confirm and stimulate geothermal resources development in Hawaii. The program involves the drilling of approximately six 4,000 foot scientific observation core holes on the Big Island of Hawaii and Maui, reservoir analysis research utilizing small diameter observation holes, and the expansion of the research capabilities at the Puna Geothermal Research Center. Funding of $3.25 million is provided by the State of Hawaii under the supervision of the Department of Business and Economic Development. Private developers of geothermal resources on Hawaii and other private sector sources are expected to raise an additional $5 million for reservoir analysis research and the drilling of two geothermal production wells. The program is expected to begin during the fall of 1988 and to be completed by mid 1990.Item Planning for geothermal development in Hawaii(Geothermal Resources Council, 1978) Chen, Bill H.; Grabbe, Eugene M.In 1976 the University of Hawaii completed a successful exploratory geothermal well on the Big Island of Hawaii. The well has raised hopes for a viable alternate energy source to reduce the State's high dependence on imported petroleum. A Development Group was organized to install a wellhead generator to demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing geothermal energy from a volcanically active area. The State is also planning for geothermal development through scenario development, identification of constraints and barriers, resource assessment and non-electric applications.