Honors Projects for Education
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Item Empowering Students Through Inclusive Mathematics Pedagogy(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2022) Sain-Thomason, Paige; Yagi, Seanyelle; EducationItem Shoelaces, Sharks, and Snap Peas: The Impact of Intentional Teaching Strategies on Student Achievement(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2018) Bootes, Rebecca; Iijima, Jane Dickson; EducationThe classroom environment is one of the most important factors relating to student achievement. The purpose of this work was to examine the important role that the environment played in the education and development of elementary aged children. My goal waItem Program Development of the Kau Kau Hui(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yusi, Akiyo; EducationThe topic of this paper is the program development of a recreational activity for physically handicapped persons. The activity is called the Kau Kau Hui. Kau kau is the Hawaiian expression for food. Hui is the Chinese expression for a group of two or more people coming together for a common cause or mutual profit. As the name implies this activity brings people together for the purpose of providing a meal for the participants. This paper will describe the activity by presenting the program development in detail. Program development involves a cycle of planning, programing and evaluation. In the planning phase the needs, objectives and purpose are identified. The methods to fulfill the purpose are designed, and then a plan to implement the program is established. The programming phase involves the actual implementation of the program. In this case, this phase of the program development was conducted and supervised by the planner. The final phase of program development is the evaluation. Data is collected and interpreted. The variables are identified and significant correlations are described. Implications of the data and correlations are stated. Conclusions and recommendations are formulated. Thus forming a base for future program development.Item Discovering Poetry in the Seventh Grade(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yuruki, Lani; Whitesell, Phil; EducationTell any Intermediate-aged student that he will be studying poetry in English class and you will be greeted with comments like "Ugh, poetry? I hate poetry!" or "Poetry is just for girls!" Unfortunately, for a majority of students, the experience with poetry had not been a positive one. During the Fall of 1975, I student taught at Stevenson Intermediate School. At the time, I prepared a unit plan for poetry. Like many teachers, I required the students to memorize lines of poetry; to list examples of similes, metaphors, personifications and other comparisons; to choose a favorite poem for oral interpretation; and to explicate poems to find their "true meaning." My experience in teaching the unit was that the analytical approach to teaching poetry is not a pleasurable one for students, and that it does not lead them to seek out more poetry. Memorizing lines of poetry and reciting them orally was a threat to many students. Poetry explication became a chore and listening to their classmates' findings was often boring. The only area in which I felt comfortable was when the students were allowed to create their own poetry and share it with their friends.Item Internal-External Locus of Control and Its Effect on Interpersonal Relationships(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yoshimura, Gail; Ayabe, Harold; Education"She's my favorite teacher … He scares me so much I never say a word in class … She's really a nice person once you get to know her … He never seems to be able to explain the problem correctly." Statements such as these might be overheard in any school corridor, or cafeteria, wherever students get together to talk about school, classes, and their teachers. But what prompts students to make such statements? Is it just the school system and teachers which effect such remarks? What about a student's attitude towards the school? What about the teacher? Does the way in which an individual feels about his family manifest itself in the classroom? Do students see teachers as parental replacements? The present study was begun to try and answer some of these questions. The idea that a student's attitude toward others affected his feelings toward school and the teacher, and how his associations with such gave rise to the question of measurement of interpersonal distance and how different students react to different situations. The purpose of this study is to investigate students' interpersonal relationships in the family and in school, and his perception of personal control in a situation. It seeks to test the assumption that student attitude towards others, himself, and his environment is measurable through the use of circle placement and through the use of an internal-external locus of control scale.Item Pre-service Teachers’ Views on What Are and Should Be the Goals of Education(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yoshida, Claire; EducationAccountability in education is an increasingly common activity. However, accountability tends to assess progress made in various subject matters, and it never seems to face the more basic question of how important any subject matter is. Two teachers, who have had the same training, teaching the same subject to two very similar groups of children, using the same book, and covering the same content material may end up producing quite different effects in those two groups of children. Accountability, therefore, should require us to specify clearly the kinds of effects we need to produce in our children. As a student in the College of Education and the Department of Speech-Communication, I have been bombarded with theories of what should be taught and of what children need to learn. Regardless of what is taught, my question is this: Is there any valid way of defining and measuring what any population believes should be taught to children, and to what extent are the future teachers who are now in the College of Education acquiring these professed values?Item Islanders Embracing the Universe: The Influence of Volcanic Island Environment on Antithesis and Synthesis in Hawaiian Oral Tradition(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yin, Joanna; EducationThe Hawaiian people live on isolated islands that emerged from volcanic fires in the largest ocean on our planet. They observed fiery lava flows that destroyed land but also created it as lava dramatically reached the sea. They observed water not only destroying land with tsunami and floods but also nourishing the plant life that provided people with food, shelter and clothing. How did they view these dramatic contrasts in their physical world? Did they merely record the antithetical elements of nature, or did they also attempt to synthesize them? This paper will study the attempts in Hawaiian oral tradition to go beyond pairs of opposites--earth and sky, fire and water, earth and sea, human and divine, isolation and integration-- and see their similarities.Item The Effects of Ability Grouping on Achievement A review of Twenty Studies Published After 1960(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yang, Judy; EducationHomogeneous grouping is “the classification of pupils for the purpose of forming instructional groups having a relatively high degree of similarity in regard to certain factors that affect learning.”1 More specifically, ability grouping refers to the grouping of students for instruction, usually on the basis of achievement as measured by standardized tests. Other criteria often include: age, intelligence quotient, teacher recommendations, etc., depending on the particular school. The most common grouping levels are “superior,” “average,” and “slow.” In contrast, heterogeneous grouping or random grouping refers to the grouping of students according to age and such that a wide range of ability is represented in the classroom. Heterogeneous grouping is often proposed as an alternative to ability grouping, and the superiority of either method of organization has been often debated by educators. Comparisons of the two methods have also been the subject of research studies for more than forty years.Item Chansons De Bilitis: A Presentation and Analysis(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Yanagihara, Lynn; EducationClaude-Achilles Debussy was born in St. Germaine-en-Laye on August 22, 1862. His family owned a china shop which proved to be unsuccessful and was later given up. Debussy's parents were not very supportive of their children's education and social training. He received minimal education during his formal years which was further delayed by his entry into the Paris Conservatoire. Later in life, however, by reading and associating with literary friends, he developed and completed his basic foundation.1 Debussy's musical talents were first recognized by Mme. Mauté de Fleurville, student of Chopin and mother-in-law of Paul Verlaine. She taught Debussy piano for several year s and prepared him for the entrance exams for the Paris conservatoire, which he passed with ease. Debussy attended the Conservatoire for fifteen years, studying piano and composition. In 1884, he won the highest honor given by the Conservatoire, the Grand Prix de Rome, with the cantata, L'Enfant prodigue.2 Since then, Debussy became increasingly well-known and did much travelling during his last few years at the Conservatoire. He settled down in Paris from 1887.Item Censorship vs. Selection: A Preparation for Teachers and Librarians Faced with a Challenge(University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2014-01-15) Vincent, Sharon; Education"We should always look at a whole book - the theme and the author's intentions…before we judge it" (Hentoff, 1982, p. 35). Censorship is clearly not a new social issue. For years, censors have attempted to purge society of the filth found in books and in other forms of art. Censorship: For and Against, compiled by Harold H. Hart (1971), traces censorship back to the time of Homer. "In 387 B.C., Plato suggested that Homer's Oddyssey be expurgated for immature readers. In 250 B.C., a Chinese monarch consigned to flames every single book or writing that contained any of the teachings of Confucius. In 1244, the Talmud, a book revered by Jewish scholars, was burnt on charges of blasphemy and immorality" (p. 6). Censorship has persisted since 1244, and today, cases of censorship have grown increasingly common. Just recently, in March of 1983, a book and record burning was held in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts to rid the community of "offensive material." Included were record albums by John Denver, the Rolling Stones, and Barry Manilow. The list of objectionable books included Mysticism: Sacred and Profane by R. C. Zaehner and Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock (Krug, 1983, p. 114). Book burnings and other purging actions have attempted to keep all members of a particular society from obtaining the "offensive" material. Only by means of underground "associations" could the offensive material be obtained.