Practice-based IS Research

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    An Exploratory Study of Current Information Security Training and Awareness Practices in Organizations
    ( 2018-01-03) Alshaikh, Moneer ; Maynard, Sean B ; Ahmad, Atif ; Chang, Shanton
    Effective information security training and awareness (ISTA) is essential to protect organizational information resources. Our review of industry best-practice guidelines on ISTA exposed two key deficiencies. First, they are presented at a conceptual-level without any empirical evidence of their validity. Second, the guidelines are generic (one size fits all) without consideration of the diversity in organizational contexts where they will be applied. Given these deficiencies in ISTA guidance, this paper reports on the findings of an exploratory study into how ISTA is implemented in different organizational contexts in six organizations. The paper identifies three challenges: the lack of motivational aspects in current ISTA program, the competition for employees’ attention and the difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of ISTA program. Several recommendations and suggestions were outlined to overcome these challenges.
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    Visibility of Work: How Digitalization Changes the Workplace
    ( 2018-01-03) Timonen, Hanna ; Vuori, Johanna
    Digitalization is rapidly reshaping our workplaces, as digital technologies often change individual’s work and collective work practices in significant but unpredictable ways. In this paper, we look at how digitalization changes the nature of work regarding work visibility, and examine this in the context of business-to-business (B2B) sales work. We report on a single case study using a practice approach to examine B2B sales work in a small SaaS company. Our findings show how the visibility of B2B sales work changes due to digitalization, increasing the visibility of work in relation to co-workers while decreasing it in relation to customers. Based on these findings, we discuss the complex tradeoffs in making work visible to different audiences and the gradual and constructed nature of work visibility.
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    Hunch Mining: Intuition Augmented with Cognitive Computing, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence
    ( 2018-01-03) Nelson, Jim ; Clark, Terry ; Stewart, Ian
    Hunches are important tools for executives making time-critical highly complex decisions in turbulent environments. However, hunches are also elusive and exist below the surface when not being used for immediate decision making. These latent hunches can be useful for developing analytical models. This paper coins the term "hunch mining" to describe the process of surfacing latent hunches from corporate decision makers as well as workers and using them as models for data analytics. We present the Organizational Hunch Matrix and show how organizations can make the leap from time-consuming manual cognitive analysis to artificial intelligence and analytics driven analysis facilitated by Cognitive Computing Engineers.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Practice-based IS Research
    ( 2018-01-03) Leidner, Dorothy ; Kettinger, Bill ; Gonzalez, Ester ; Milovich, Michael