Pacific Science Volume 22, Number 1, 1968

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Pacific Science is a quarterly publication devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region.


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    Notes. A Variant Aplysia californica
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Winkler, Lindsay R.
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    Notes. A Eurasian Alga in Alaska
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) McRoy, C.P.
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    Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 27. Pandanus Novelties from Madagascar
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) St. John, Harold
    At the beginning of the eighteenth century Pandanus was found growing naturally on Madagascar. The first species from there were described by du Petit Thouars. Subsequent discoveries revealed that it was one of the three great centers of the genus, with 63 species.
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    Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 26. Pandanus mayotteensis from the Iles Comores
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) St. John, Harold
    Up to the present there has been known only one species of Pandanus in the Iles Comores, P. maximus Martelli (sect. Pandanus), indigenous to the Ile Grande Comore. Now, there can be announced a second species from the islands, P. mayotteensis (sect. Vinsonia). The islands lie in the Mozambique Channel, about midway between Madagascar and Mocambique, Africa.
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    An Account of the Species of Polysiphonia of the Central and Western Tropical Pacific Ocean: I. Oligosiphonia
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Hollenberg, George J.
    Twenty-four tetrasiphonous species are described. The following species or varieties are new: Polysiphonia anomala, P. apiculata, P. delicatula, P. flaceidissima var. decimera, P. flaccidissima var. iki, P. flaccidissima var. lopi, P. hawaiiensis, P. herpa, P. poko, P. poko var. longii, P. profunda, P. pseudovillum, P. quadrata, P. rubrorhiza, P. setacea, P. sphaerocarpa var. distans, P. sphaerocarpa var. filifera , P. subtilissima var. abbottae, P. tenais, P. tuberose, P. scopulorum var. macrotrichia, P. scopulorum var. minima. The following new combinations are made: P. saccorhiza (Collins and Hervey) comb. nov., P. sparsa (Setchell) comb. nov., P. scopuloram var. villum 0. G. Agardh) comb. nov., P. mollis var. tongatensis (Harvey) comb. nov.
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    Preliminary Observations on the Fine Structure of Species of Micromonospora (Actinomycetales)
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Kenner, Diana D. ; Hohl, Hans R. ; Baker, Gladys E.
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    Antarctic Ocean-Floor Fossils: Their Environments and Possible Significance as Indicators of Ice Conditions
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Thomas, Charles W.
    Seven Antarctic marine environments are examined with respect to their geology and to the skeletal remains of marine microorganisms. While all assemblages live in the same water mass, they vary significantly from place to pl ace. Geology and oceanography of each locality appear to produce less effect upon the character of populations than do topography and bay ice. The latter features suggest a possible use of fossils as indicators of conditions of bay ice.
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    Compressional Wave Velocities in Basic Rocks
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Christensen, Nikolas I.
    Compressional wave velocities determined by measurement of travel times of pulses at pressures to 10 kilobars are given for specimens of basalt. Variations of velocity with propagation direction are related to feldspar orientation and inhomogeneity in alteration of the specimens. Velocity differences reported for diabase, gabbro, eclogite, and basalt can be explained in terms of variation of density and mean atomic weight . The basalts have the lowest compressional wave velocities of basic rocks. The low velocities are a consequence of slight alteration, high mean atomic weight, and relatively low density.
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    Distribution of Epifaunal Biomass on a Sublittoral Rock-Reef
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Pequegnat, Willis E.
    Previously the author reported on the quantitative distribution of epifaunal species and individuals and their zonation on a siltstone reef located in the open ocean near Corona del Mar, California (Pequegnat, 1964) . A marked top-to- bottom reduction in numbers of species and individuals was observed to exist on this reef, and these changes were related to a reduction of wave-induced water movements from the reef's upper to lower levels. Three observations pointed to the desirability of determining the distribution of biomass over the rock-reef: (1) the populations of some species were greatest on the reef's lower levels, (2) several of the largest species with relatively small numbers of individuals occurred here, and (3) there appeared to be a shift from a preponderance of suspension-feeders at the top toward increasing importance of deposit-feeders and scavengers at the base.
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    Cestode Parasites of Hawaiian Fishes
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 1968-01) Yamaguti, Satyu
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