Geothermal Working Group report : evaluating geothermal energy as the primary resource for baseload power in the County of Hawaii

dc.contributor.authorGeothermal Working Group, County of Hawaii
dc.description.abstract"SCR 99 established the Geothermal Working Group to evaluate geothermal energy as the primary source of baseload power for electricity in the County of Hawaii. An analysis of technical data and of expert testimony provides convincing rationale to develop local renewable energy plants and transition away from the county's dependence on petroleum-fueled generators for baseload electricity. Each stage of development must consider public safety and environmental concerns. Funding for research is required to ensure that the transition never harms people, property, or wildlife and that a robust and reliable supply of energy is always available. It is critically important to the welfare of all Hawaii residents that we begin to develop local energy immediately. The Geothermal Working Group's principal findings: - Geothermal is a renewable resource indigenous to the island of Hawaii that is dissociated from the price volatility of petroleum fuels. - Geothermal can be a key component in a diversified energy portfolio for Hawaii County, both for the electrical grid and for transportation. - In Hawaii, geothermal is a firm-energy resource at lower cost than fossil fuel. - Developing multiple geothermal plants is the most prudent approach. - Geothermal has the potential to supply baseload electricity; long term reliability and the ability to supply grid management services (currently supplied by conventional fossil-fueled power plants) must be demonstrated in order to consider geothermal as the primary energy resource. - With geothermal power plants, agricultural fertilizers, hydrogen, oxygen, and business-enterprise power can be produced for off-peak rates during the hours of curtailed electrical demand."
dc.format.extent535 pages
dc.identifier.citationGeothermal Working Group, County of Hawaii. 2012. Geothermal Working Group report : evaluating geothermal energy as the primary resource for baseload power in the County of Hawaii. Hilo (HI): Geothermal Working Group, County of Hawaii.
dc.publisherGeothermal Working Group, County of Hawaii
dc.subjectgeothermal development
dc.subjectgeothermal power
dc.subjectpublic policy
dc.subjectBig Island
dc.titleGeothermal Working Group report : evaluating geothermal energy as the primary resource for baseload power in the County of Hawaii


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