Textile artist Akihiko Izukura: "Life in Colors" exhibit, UH Mānoa
















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This is an archive of the 2012 exhibit “Life in Colors,” from lecture flyer to event photos. The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and the Academy Art Center at Linekona present “Life in Colors in Hawai‘i” by the internationally renowned textile artist, Akihiko Izukura, from Kyoto, Japan. “Life in Colors” is exhibited at two locations—both with indoor and outdoor displays; the show features impressive large-scale textile installations, splashes of color on the landscape, as well as innovative examples of his natural dyeing and weaving. The exhibits were at the Academy Art Center at Linekona, Honolulu Academy of Arts (now Honolulu Museum of Art) from 1/15-2/15/2012, and at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s (UHM) Commons Gallery, Art Building from 1/17-1/27/2012. The philosophy behind Izukura’s art pieces is based on sustainability and the desire to improve the surrounding environment and hand it down to the next generation in a better state than it is now. In conjunction with the show, Izukura offers personalized Senshokudō [dyeing and weaving] workshops at the Academy Art Center at Linekona and a public lecture at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Izukura was born into a family who for many generations weaved obi in Nishijin, Kyoto. After graduating from Doshisha University, he became president of his family’s business; he developed his own laboratory where he devoted himself to the study of dyeing and weaving. Almost immediately his textile works garnered national prizes. He reached a turning point when he received a major prize in 1986 for a work of braided tapestry made with chemical dyes; he discovered within himself a conceit—the conceit of trying to bring nature under his control. At that moment, he began his dialogue with nature; this personal journey continues today and has taken him to many places in Japan and overseas to demonstrate this ongoing dialogue. Hawai‘i is an ideal location for “Life in Colors.” The natural beauty of the islands, with its underlying radiance and power, provides inspiration to Izukura, a natural textile artist, who seeks to find a path for people to coexist with nature. For more information, local Honolulu blogger Paula Rath (http://paularath.com/2011/02/akihiko-izukuras-work-to-be-shown-in-honolulu/) has written a nice post about Izukura-san’s work that includes some wonderful photos. Additionally, information regarding Izukura-san’s work and philosophy can be found on his “Life in Colors” website at http://www.iant-jp.com/index_e.php. Videos: https://vimeo.com/35711433 https://vimeo.com/35713951 https://vimeo.com/35715116


This set contains photos from the “Art and Sustainability” public lecture and commons gallery opening at UHM which took place on January 17. There are photos of Izukura’s art on UHM campus. The main theme for the exhibit at UHM's Common Gallery was weaving, braiding, netting, and entwining. The exhibit featured the artist’s technical changes from weaving back to braiding and netting. One of the distinguishing characteristics was the works are created without wasting materials. Visitors had the opportunity to experience the various techniques. Event Sponsors (主催 ) • AKIHIKO IZUKURA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL TEXTILE 伊豆蔵明彦自然染織研究所 • CENTER FOR JAPANESE STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI AT MĀNOA ハワイ大学マノア校日本研究センター • HONOLULU ACADEMY OF ARTS (ACADEMY ART CENTER AT LINEKONA) ホノルル美術館(リネコナセンター) Event Supporters (後援) • CONSULATE GENERAL OF JAPAN AT HONOLULU 在ホノルル日本国総領事館 • LYON ARBORETUM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI AT MĀNOA ハワイ大学マノア校ライオン植物園 Event Cooperation (協力) • HINAYA Inc. 株式会社ひなや • KOBE FASHION MUSEUM 神戸ファッション美術館 • NPO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL TEXTILE IANT(NPOインターナショナル自然染織委員会) • Pearltone.Co.Ltd. 株式会社パールトーン • SANTA FE WEAVING GALLERY サンタフェ ウィ―ビング ギャラリー • SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD 株式会社島精機製作所 • SUN MOON Co.Ltd. 株式会社サン・ムーン • TEMARI CENTER FOR ASIAN AND PACIFIC ARTS 手鞠アジアとパシフックセンター





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