ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and Conditions

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    Invisible Work Meets Visible Work: Infrastructuring from the Perspective of Patients and Healthcare Professionals
    (2021-01-05) Islind, Anna Sigridur; Vallo Hult, Helena; Johansson, Victoria; Angenete, Eva; Gellerstedt, Martin
    Increased patient engagement and the use of new types of data, such as patient-generated health data (PGHD) is shifting how work is performed in relation to healthcare. This change enables healthcare professionals to delegate parts of work previously conducted by them to patients. There is a consensus regarding the need for nurses and physicians to work seamlessly together to make healthcare flow, but the role and responsibility of patients are less researched. In this paper, we aim to fill that gap by focusing on the shift of work from healthcare professionals to patients from the perspective of i) patients and ii) healthcare professionals. We use infrastructuring as a lens to understand the design of everyday work and actions from both perspectives. The main contribution is an analysis of, and insights into, how the work of patients can support healthcare professionals along with a conceptualization of how infrastructuring processes within and outside of healthcare are interconnected.
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    DIL - A Conversational Agent for Heart Failure Patients
    (2021-01-05) Moulik, Sanjoy; Chatterjee, Samir
    There is an exceptionally high rate of readmissions and rehospitalizations for patients suffering from Heart Failure. Best efforts to address this alarming problem from the Caregiver community have fallen short due to a shortage of trained clinical staff, failure to perform necessary self-management, and money. Using a Design Science Research framework, this work designed and evaluated "DIL” (Sanskrit word for Heart), a Conversational Agent that complements the work of clinicians in achieving the desired behavioral and clinical outcomes. The aim is to provide the hospital with an information system that could bridge the current gap in care that occurs when the patient transitions from the hospital to the home environment. In a pilot study, we show that DIL was able to demonstrate the efficacy and utility as a tool to assist patients with heart failure in improving their self-care.
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    Designing an Artifact to Support Incentives for Medication Adherence
    (2021-01-05) Yang, Alan; Kaul, Mala; Varshney, Upkar
    This research is motivated by the current trend towards utilization of mobile technology in healthcare interventions. Despite academic and practitioner efforts, lack of medication adherence continues to be a leading indicator of poor health outcomes and increased hospitalizations worldwide. There are several possible incentive systems that remain relatively unexplored in the field of medication adherence. Our analysis of the current academic research and existing medication adherence applications indicates a research gap and an opportunity to create a significant contribution through the design of an application (app) addressing the complex problem of medication adherence. Therefore, we propose the design of an app to positively influence patient behavior through incentives to improve medication adherence. The contribution of this research is a novel design utilizing multiple incentive types to improve medication adherence.
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    Crowdsourcing Users’ Comments for Clinical and Operational Features Analysis of Diabetes Mobile Apps
    (2021-01-05) Ossai, Chinedu; Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
    Today there exist a plethora of mobile apps focused on diabetes self-management. To understand the rate of inclusion and influences of these numerous diabetes mobile apps (DMAS), we crowdsourced and analyzed negative users’ comments and the design features of numerous apps, underpinned by fit viability as the theoretical analysis lens. Thus, by concentrating our efforts on apps written in English collected from google play and apple app store, we identified and classified DMAS as a health monitoring app (HMAS) and information repository apps (IRAS), and statistically determined the effects of different diabetes self-management indicators on their functionalities. Our results affirm that these solutions have limited functionalities to facilitate self-management of diabetes due to poor design which hinders intelligent decision support, as well as limits inclusion and performance of wellness support features. In addition, many of these apps are also operationally inefficient.