Health Information Behavior and Activity Tracking Technology

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    Fitness Tracking Technologies: Data Privacy Doesn’t Matter? The (Un)Concerns of Users, Former Users, and Non-Users
    (2020-01-07) Fietkiewicz, Kaja; Ilhan, Aylin
    To be concerned about data privacy in the fitness tracking world is apparently not the question of age or fitness level. It also does not necessarily influence the actual use of fitness tracking technologies. In this empirical study, 590 participants from the EU and USA, who are current users, former users or non-users of fitness tracking applications, were surveyed (online) on their sensitivity perception of several data pieces collected with fitness trackers as well as their data privacy concerns. Furthermore, subgroups of different fitness tracking users were detected based on their different privacy unconcerns.
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    Health Information, Human Factors and Privacy Issues in Mobile Health Applications
    (2020-01-07) Silva, Wagner; Sacramento, Carolina; Silva, Edenildo; Garcia, Ana Cristina; Leal Ferreira, Simone Bacellar
    Recent innovations on mobile technologies combined with the widespread use of mobile devices have allowed for a new perspective on health care applications: mobile health applications (m-Health). Ensuring information privacy while delivering the expected vital signs monitoring is still a challenge for the adoption and use of these applications. Most research focuses on methods and techniques to prevent unauthorized access of personal information in the context of mHealth; our research considers the m-Health user's point of view. From a systematic literature review in the Computer Science literature, we identified the main users' demands concerning privacy. There are different types of privacy issues with different types of proposed solutions. Users' privacy preferences and information sharing issues are emphasized showing the counterpoint for privacy. Our objective in this paper is to contribute towards a better understanding of the trade-offs between users' desires and privacy concerns with regard to the adoption of the m-Health technology, identifying issues that need to be addressed in order to reduce users' concerns about privacy in m-Health.
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    Workplace Health Promotion: Effects of an mHealth Application on Employee Behaviour and Wellness
    (2020-01-07) Emerson, Sophie; Heavin, Ciara; Power, Daniel J.
    Organizations are using digital tools to support workplace health promotion (WHP) initiatives. This study investigates the effects of a mobile health (mHealth) application on employee behaviour and wellness. This exploratory, empirical case study was conducted as part of an established workplace health initiative in the Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland, April 2018. User data on exercise including daily activity in the form of steps taken, mood, total daily exercise, and other variables were captured as part of the ‘Steps to Health Challenge’. Phase 1 of the study involved the collection of user data from 70 active app users and a survey was conducted. The majority of participants found that the mHealth app motivated them to sustain, and in some cases increase, their daily steps. Phase 2 involved interviews. Following qualitative data analysis, we found that the app positively effected employee behaviour; specific features were highlighted as especially influential.