Electric Energy Systems

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The Electric Energy Systems track seeks to explore critical questions and innovative methods at the frontier of next generation electric power systems. The focus is on the engineering, economics, and policy issues that are at the forefront of current research, development, and demonstration. The track encompasses four minitracks, each having two sessions with total of eight sessions scheduled sequentially to allow those interested to attend all sessions in the track.

The first minitrack focuses on topics in Monitoring, Control and Protection in electric power systems. The first session will consider large-scale dynamics and control, with presentations that consider statistical evaluation of estimators, performance evaluation. error detection and information loss in grid operation and control. The second session addresses issues associated with operational control of an increasingly distributed grid. Papers in this session focus on a controlling large-scale energy infrastructure using diverse resources including distributed generation and loads, with dispersed intelligence and diverging objectives.

The second minitrack focuses on enhancing the Resilience of the electric power grid. The first session contains presentations on testbeds and synthetic networks. This includes novel power system simulation environments, synthetic grids as realistic testing environments, as well as the use of state estimation to detect cyber-threats. The second session in the minitrack looks at data analytics and decision support. Papers in this session will explore new approaches, methods, and applications of analytics for advanced economic dispatch, voltage regulation and spoof detection.

The third minitrack focuses on Markets, Policy and Computation with topics related to engineering and economic interactions within the electric grid. The first session looks at new frontiers in electric market design and policy through the design of markets and impact of governance structures on market outcomes. The second session explores issues related to how new work in modeling and analytics is being applied in this area. Presentations include market structures to incorporate prosumers, risk assessment for rare events, and the impact of climate change on electricity markets.

Finally, the fourth minitrack deals with important challenges in Integrating Distributed and Renewable Resources into the electric power grid. The first session will focus on the necessity to coordinate and engage communities and consumers at the grid edge, including the topics in distributed renewables, electric vehicle charging behaviors, and the impact of this new paradigm on component aging in distribution systems. The second session in this minitrack focuses on grid scale integration of renewables and storage with presentations on new operational models to integrate distributed resources, as well as reliability and grid performance under increasing penetration of renewables.

Thomas J. Overbye
Texas A&M University

C. Lindsay Anderson
Cornell University


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