E-Learning, Online Training, and Education

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    Audience and Content Areas of Online Software Engineering Education and Training: A Systematic Review
    (2019-01-08) Wendt, Kevin
    Online courses and instruction are a popular and rapidly expanding medium for learning. However, no holistic summary exists which classifies who or what is being taught and how online courses are being researched in the field of software engineering education and training (SEET). More important, prior research does not cover what gaps exist in the literature: which areas of SEET being ignored altogether in research. This paper reports the results of a systematic review of the existing literature for online SEET and provides analysis of the audiences and content areas being researched. Grounded in established guidelines for systematic reviews in software engineering, the studies that are identified are then coded using three standards for software engineering education content areas. As a result of the systematic review, more than 9000 search results were analyzed. Inclusion and exclusion of studies in predetermined stages resulted in more than 30 studies being coded for audience and/or software engineering content areas. The result is a comprehensive picture of the current state of research in online SEET and an identification of the gaps to be addressed.
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    Increasing the Interactivity in Software Engineering MOOCs - A Case Study
    (2019-01-08) Krusche, Stephan; Seitz, Andreas
    MOOCs differ from traditional university courses: instructors do not know the learners who have a diverse background and cannot talk to them in person due to the worldwide distribution. This has a decisive influence on the interactivity of teaching and the learning success in online courses. While typical online exercises such as multiple choice quizzes are interactive, they only stimulate basic cognitive skills and do not reflect software engineering working practices such as programming or testing. However, the application of knowledge in practical and realistic exercises is especially important in software engineering education. In this paper, we present an approach to increase the interactivity in software engineering MOOCs. Our interactive learning approach focuses on a variety of practical and realistic exercises, such as analyzing, designing, modeling, programming, testing, and delivering software stimulating all cognitive skills. Semi-automatic feedback provides guidance and allows reflection on the learned theory. We applied this approach in the MOOC software engineering essentials SEECx on the edX platform. Since the beginning of the course, more than 15,000 learners from more than 160 countries have enrolled. We describe the design of the course and explain how its interactivity affects the learning success.
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    What Matters Most in Online SAP-Enabled Course Learning? A System View of Determinants
    (2019-01-08) Zhao, Yu; Bandyopadhyay, Kakoli; Bandyopadhyay, Soumava
    The purpose of this research is to understand the factors that impact students’ perceived learning outcomes, satisfaction, and the intention to continue using the online learning platform in ERP-enabled online courses. The factors considered are online learning platform quality, ERP system quality, information quality, instructor support, and student motivation. We selected SAP as the ERP system that students learn online via any online learning platform, such as Blackboard, for our study. We surveyed business students from four mid-sized state universities in the Unites States. The findings indicate that all factors, except instructor support, are significant determinants of learning outcomes. All factors, except information quality, are significant determinants of student satisfaction. Online learning platform quality and SAP quality are significant determinants of students’ intention to continue to take online SAP-enabled courses using the current learning platform.