Knowledge Management and Information Security

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    Aligning Security Practice with Policy: Guiding and Nudging towards Better Behavior
    (2019-01-08) Furnell, Steven; Alotaibi, Faisal; Esmael, Rawan
    Despite an abundance of policies being directed towards them, users often struggle to follow good cybersecurity practice. Recognizing that such behaviors do not come naturally, a logical approach is to ensure that users are guided and supported in knowing what to do and how to do it. Unfortunately, such support is often lacking. The paper uses the example of password authentication as a specific context in which cybersecurity behavior is frequently criticized, but where users are often left to manage without sufficient support (as evidenced by examining the lack of related guidance and enforcement of good practice on leading websites). The discussion then proceeds to look at the effect of actively supporting the user, drawing upon the results from two experimental studies (one looking at the practical impact of guidance and feedback upon users’ password choices, and the other examining the effect of gamifying the password selection experience). The results collectively show that such efforts can have tangible positive effects upon user behaviors. While the specific findings are focused upon passwords, similar principles could also be applied to other aspects of user-facing security.
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    Data in the Wild: A KM Approach to Doing a Census Without Asking Anyone and the Issue of Privacy
    (2019-01-08) Kelly, James; Jennex, Murray; Abhari, Kaveh; Durcikova, Alexandra; Frost, Eric
    Knowledge Societies strive to better their citizens by maximizing services while minimizing costs. One of the more expensive activities is conducting a census. This paper explores the feasibility of conducting a smart census by using a knowledge management strategy of focusing on actionable intelligence and the use of open source data sources to conduct a national census. Both technical and data privacy feasibility is discussed.
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    Transnational Cooperation in Cybersecurity
    (2019-01-08) Croasdell, David; Palustre, Adonis
    Cybersecurity has become a significant focal point for law enforcement, businesses, and consumers with the significant advancements made in cyber technologies, cyber use, and cybercrimes, [16]. Organized cybercrime includes activities such as skimming, botnets, provision of child pornography and advance fee fraud. Unorganized cybercrime could be simple fraud, downloading child pornography, trolling or uttering threats. Both organized and unorganized activities have grown more prevalent in today’s digital landscape. The media sensationalize breaches, such as the hacking of HBO’s Game of Thrones episodes and the Equifax data breach. These incidents get much fanfare shifting focus to law enforcement agencies their plans to address the crimes. We need to know more about the effectiveness of measures against cybercrime and the cooperation between nations against cybercrime. This manuscript examines this issue by exploring how transnational cooperation succeeded in the apprehension of wanted individuals in Operation Avalanche.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Management and Information Security
    (2019-01-08) Durcikova, Alexandra; Jennex, Murray